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Friday, March 21, 2008
choose your getaway car •
"Standing above the street you open a window on its dusty hinge above a leaf-littered lower decking, and you expect some sort of cooling breeze, diffusing in to cool your face from the intenseness of it all. But it's as good as nothing had happened, you'd never opened the window at all, the air sits square before you like a relationship that refuses to move. That is, until you begin to listen to the sounds of the world coming in, touching your heart in its shell."what a week. it's times like this i think about you and i ask myself, what the heck was all that moping for. still wasn't worth it. right after i think about you and i think, gosh, if you were here. block tests were quite ok, i held my breath and hoped that i wouldn't get demoralized by a paper, for my subsequent papers. and hey, i didn't - the last one, physics, totally slaughtered me. gosh. gen i join your study group, if there's room. i was actually worried that on thursday after physics i'd have nothing to do, cause people were off at their own various stuff and folks were basically all over the island. 'd have taken you out if you'd asked. brought all the architecture books i'd borrowed like 2 weeks ago and my sketchbook ready to sit down at botanics or starbucks or island creamery to pore over them, but it turned out there was too much to do. they're still sitting by the head of my bedside. went to Crazy Angmoh, props to Ding, the stuff really ain't half bad. yufang's house after that, we basically lounged around, with Ding being badass on the guitar as usual, and watched some chinese vampire horror-comedy that reminded me of the indian girly-man MV at some points, hahhaha. was stalking off to the far end of the world, the bus stop at the shell station when i got a message from suet, and tadah they were at Junction 8. had random fun for gosh, two plus three hours? that is classified at the moment, yeah., hahhaha. then i went off yup. went home to change then leave for pool with amos-arnold and geoff(we are F.A.G!) i turned up super late, like an hour, cause i forgot to bring the goods(which, as it happened, were duds) for the subsequent Event Of The Night. anyway, we three get to spend quality time together so seldom it's sad, was damn sorry i missed the chance to get a bit more. more soon, anyway. somehow i was at the top of my game that night, just that arnold kept getting the last say/shot -.- then went to royce's place after suitably elaborate planning and panicking(involving me running all the back home in jeans from the standard chartered bank in the nighttime! after suddenly realizing while talking to wenyi on the phone and making a mad dash off with my books upon realizing! not fun! is be hot!). is long story that i cannot do justice to, so shortly, it was teh good stuff. yep. ![]() wow this is a lot of reminiscing. tonight's good friday youth service plus dinner plus quality time was good in a funny way. i'm beginning to understand why i did certain things, what i was thinking and feeling. maybe what others were thinking and feeling too, to a much smaller extent, sigh. every time i try to pray for things, i can't - i can only pray, Thy will be done, Thy will be done. sigh. to quote (someone or another) on (something about historical significance), it's too close to tonight for me to say anything about it. i feel but i dare not commit, but at least i dared feel. and you know how long i haven't dared, hey. goodnight, His will be done, aye. 11:18 pm |