Friday, February 08, 2008
tranquil as concrete •
isn't morning such a peaceful time. like the flame from a (hydrocarbon) torch.
8.41am 那就是寂寞灰云泪成雪之处。
8.52am 今早的感觉真像小时候,当小孩所做的事事都 对世界与他所爱的人 无关紧要。 like an acrylic shard. how it says, there's nothing to see here, i'm really truly empty and good for nothing, see.
9.06am 到此时仍无联讯。死了这条心吧!小子,美人鱼绿色的大海也仍是那么的大。
9.07am oh, i don't know what it is like to swim through chocolate, or how it feels to walk sadness. but i do think i know how to rain
8:37 am