Thursday, January 18, 2007
alright, i give up. auditions are over. i just walked up, sang, walked down. i can't remember what i was trying to do.. wasn't even paying attention, sang the wrong lyrics at the end.. haha.. man. i hope i can get in. i really really do. KI is goodness. just keep talking and talking and thinking. but still, people grow tired after a while.. just wanna stop, and then we sit there and do nothing. i wish we could just talk and talk and talk. LCDS is something unexpected. it's just, corny-hongkong/korean/japanese-drama-serial ironic, the flow of events that made me end up there. i'm afraid i'm not living up to expectations of what i am.. that i'm not even showing what i can do. gah, what am i talking about. it's just the first session.. yet.. entre hasn't called me. entre ppl, please call me. i want entre. chorale is questionmark. the way it's working, i'm staying till after SYF at least i guess.. RJdance doesn't seem worth the time, don't think volleyball will work out, and i'll get owned in squash and fencing. hm. i shall just hardcore clubs. studies are supposed to take priority these 2 years anyway.
philo stuff. i could stand doing philo stuff. and music. music was always going to be there anyway.. but somehow the two seem to fit nicely together. he was asking me for a backup for architecture. maybe philo is it. philo and music.
short on funds.
asking, what if, take the first step, just start talking where unwanted is a possibility. how? how will people react. it's a risk.. i have to use you and i. won't you think i am crazy?
people just don't talk anymore. i like being with people a little younger, cause i can relax and do stupid stuff and be a kid too, and at the same time i can be the big brother. i like being with people a little elder, cause i can learn, and watch, and listen, and say things without being blammed. because i can be the kid brother.
10:20 pm