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danne |
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
you never really know what's going on •
i'm a happy sort of guy. i like to laugh, and joke around, and make other people laugh, but there are just some things that have this predisposition to get me really pissed off.. and yeah, i know it's me. relativism and all that. but i'm done trying to accommodate here, as much as i'd love to be a part of it all. this is just beyond me. i'll have to refrain from comment.crazy days, crazy days. got to school early this morning, was supposed to run but late night and light rain made me lazy, so i koped a classroom on the fifth floor and read on green design and marketing for architecture. the first opened up a few new ideas.. i'd always thought the structure's design should be to minimize impact and cost of HVAC and lighting, but didn't realize it was such a big international project. and the second was just boring.. in the end i got bored until started trying to get comfy to catch some shuteye cause of late night before, but after like 45 min the guard came to lock up the room just before 9am, goodness knows why such a weird time. so went down to find yuhyiing, then went to bum around lt2 for a few minutes before going for CIP. other than that, today was pretty much waste of time.. lunch took forever for certain reasons, so got back super late unforch. at least got some stuff done after that, then junda suddenly suggested going to shoot some hoops and shanhui was there, so played for an hour plus. surprisingly after like 2-3 years of not practicing i've still got it, sort of, haha.. handling is damn off, but shooting is just cause of lack of practice i think, hehh. felt good, even though we three never really got to know one another after those two years.. made those hours ploughing through old books that made me sneeze(but were actually pretty interesting, some anyway) feel significant, haha. yeah, actually i don't really see the connection either, but whatever, lol. well, there are more basketball than squash courts in singapore. if nobody will play frisbee with me i really don't mind going back basketball crazy like those days, provided there's the right crowd to play with, hahhaha tomorrow long day too. gonna see if i can run in the morning to make up for today, then go help out the isle folks for a while, then if we're mostly done maybe go down to whatevertheplaceis where chorale people are playing badminton to watch for a while. after badminton in primary school.. i can never give that sport any respect anymore, unless it's like those national folks who are uber zai, hahaha. oh well. then.. gonna shoot some with me class.. haha, we are funky folks. but i've been blowing a whole lot of money on pool since chinese A levels been over, as a number of people have noted.. so gotta tone it down for a while, go do cheaper stuff, like RAID LIBRARIES. but then again gotta get done with those borrowed first. also, going to see again if i can pick up something special.. been a pain to find. oh for a way to buy stuff online.. yeah, heck load of stuff to do actually. weiren's gonna help me ask if i can join frisbee proper, THANK YOU WEIREN, then shall have to see where that goes, haha. i'm super noob compared to that bunch loh.. but learn, yes hah. so on weds maybe join them, then chorale prac too, then go shoot pool with joseph to unveil his power. darn why shoot so much.. can we go back to playing tennis instead, lol. and of course the multitude of paperwork to be done, and when i mean paperwork i mean all un-fun reading and writing(basically all such things that have nothing to do with architecture). SATs, class CIP planning, jacket/shirt designs for people here and there, arrange that meeting that's to be so important, zz. why can't things just, happen. people are so un-spontaneous. oh well. yeah, that was a lot of blah. all in all, yeah things keep popping up, i'm going to make myself sit down and finish the three tutorials by.. this thursday. yeah ok. hm and well people are people, super fun and super annoying(in an un-fun way), what can i say, people are the world, haha.. even those who don't say anything. you never really know what's going on, about and around and down the line. maybe someone's thinking of you. maybe someone's going to push you over the railing on the seventh floor tomorrow. 12:14 am |