Wednesday, November 07, 2007
no, no no no •

this is the way puddles grow anyway. rain comes and goes, but inside is personal, nobody sees it there. people find ways to take the meaning away from things you love, the training curve is up then maximum then dip. whatever. little boys pick up the smoothest, flattest stones only to skip them away across the surface of what's calm and both passionate and uncaring, plink pink pink pink plonk. how far will you go. and i've really never met anyone as shallow as you before. should we still meet for coffee and cream on tuesday by the eiffel?
this is friedemann saying, back off! suddenly so many friends saying they decided they want to do architecture in the future, agrhh i'm giving it too much positive advertisement, later all you frikkin pro people will kope my potential places in uni/jobs! nooooooo..! time to show the boring side of it..? hahhaha.. just kidding. but really, imagine friends from school going into different parts of the same industry and working together on stuff. would be awesome..
bah this sucks. have i mentioned it. people are bloody insensitive and unappreciative. woohoo tickle me emo, yeah i'm semi-high on oatmeal, it's my long-lost midnight drink-snack. except it's not midnight yet. i realized that fringe is damn emo-ish. so time to think of something new. darn. and now for something completely different.
living in a daze of emotions and issues and things that need contemplation, sorry please hold the line is busy the singtel mobile customer you have reached is not available please try again later. thursday and the day after will be a little while to gather myself together again perhaps. school is short.. gonna milk the rest of these days for all they're worth, every moment in this uniform, haha.
10:28 pm