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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
raindrops on kittens •
excuse me whilst i get out my chair and stretch a bit.. i'm drawing a little too much nonsense as someone has already very pointedly er, pointed out.. ahhahaha.. but it's been horribly fun, and i'm immensely proud of the one i did for my PW, hehh (: well, somethings will come when they will, huhh. i guess it's just better late than never..twas amusing to chat about, what else, the future, even for a little while with a friend not seen for so long. =) somehow people like to talk about the future with me. or maybe it's just me, my fault. ah crud. ah well, but jokes, truly, imagine landing in the United States to begin your tertiary education and you go, like the typical Rafflesian, "wah! this place is some bomb!" then you can begin your stay there with er, very uncomfortable examinations of your body to check you're not some psychotic Asian terrorist, hahhahah ! most interesting puns, unpolished gem/gen/jans, they say it's good to teach the little children, to mingle with the more seasoned folks, good to have a mix of that good clean youthful humor all round that just puts a sparkle into the air and a laugh in our eyes every moment and step of the way.. dark blue jaguars vrooming menacingly around chinatown at night and the mission is, guide your Ahma to eat when really she's the one lugging you around the place. this is living, but why does the time have to be so wrong now.. Confucius say, listen to your mama! Einstein say, you learn from tests, not learn for tests ! but seriously folks, architecture just has no permanence nowadays. people are always messing with it, changing it, no timeless architecture is being designed, built anywhere anymore, everyone is just tearing things up, and building stuff so that it can be torn down in ten and a half years. there are no more heroes, i love Ito's work even though he's the top dog of these buggers.. where are the homes? where are the second homes at work, the solid libraries with the nice librarians where kids have studied since they were in the third grade, malls with their huge endless carparks where the older kids hung out. there are no more dreams, not since we drove up the west coast from navy preschool and home, away from that thing they called the Dream, the days when it was i who would fall asleep with my cheek resting against the seatbelt strap in the back when my parents fell silent on the roads and i'd watched my sister drop off eating raisins. i'd make a dreamcatcher and see if it could catch yours or mine. wanna be a pilot, don't have the eyesight. want to be a DJ, don't have the gab. and there's disillusionment; law, journalism, entrepreneurship. and there are the undeveloped dreams too, art critic and curating, graphic design and advertising, music, interior design. whatever the reasons, the cost is too high, we cannot, will not take this flight because we've decided, decided.. this is the game: you give first, then we'll give you so much more.. it's the last chance, the last bit of time together before the crunch, the last opportunity to make the move before we're all shipped off to Nevada and other things that start with N and S and U and niversity. then the joke will be on us and fallen angels, who will enjoy our pain? the picture's from Sunday, brothers run and little girls and boys we all fall down. we sing, your ways are mightier, oh mightier than my ways.. alright. i've bought my crisp brown paper, a sexy new watch is mine and scratched glasses can go in the closet soon. it's back to work once again, and seriously, i need a comfier chair, umph. and so we bounce along. 11:01 pm |