Monday, December 04, 2006
poetry that i can't share it just isn't there broken lines obscure signs hidden in the sea three years
bring her back to me 
after it all i went to speak to the sea "what did it tell you?" well, you know those grandparently figures, when you share your troubles with them they've got so much advice for you in return experience and maturity of years but somehow, in the end none of it really seems to solve the problem at hand..
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innocence cannot last forever, she whispered with murmering foam oh? let me try i can imagine how already how wise you must be, to know what you have never tried and so i am, said the sea. i sat and she sang songs for me till it was time to leave thank you for the songs thank you for reminding me  the island speaks a special message to me i ask and she replied dark and deep as the edge of my lagoon tantalizing and tempting as the shallows of my beach touched and mysterious as the bottle at the bottom with no name bring yourself up close stay your course then vigor in the little things moor and stay this picture will last forever ever
even the eyes hold back some thoughts though the light reveals much but i can see in her eyes that i cannot guess what she's thinking tumbling craggy rocks on the beach scrambling around in the sun writing philosophy and poetry in the sand this is the best of life, for now but can, will the better come? how will dreams become reality forefathers and treasured girls have tried how can i not
in the end nothing is because of reason but because of emotion, then attempted to be justified by reason
6:01 pm