Tuesday, November 21, 2006
"since our dreams exist in air who on Earth can bring us there? pretty pictures delusions, hopeful preconceptions the world is bleak he said to me nothing to look forward to though eternity
abide with me yet little while dreams exist so why not live there and just think of pretty things" nothing much is happening as of yet. a tiny bit of catching up with danne in the night, geof fiona jiamin coming down later, dropping by choir again tmr with kwoks to see how they are and ask toh for some advice. juniors' camp draws near.
a lot to hope for, a lot to look forward to.. how they will truely turn out, noone knows. so men say, the future is in your hands, and others that fate is written in the heavens. but in the end noone knows, so we live life dreaming or in desperation, but life doesn't care. it just goes on.
so why not just accept it and dream, because dreams can last forever, but reality ever changes. coming to terms with the universe. maybe all that matters is that we know that we don't know.
eternity is a long time.. now i understand how people come to the state that they wish they were never born, or ceased to exist. unfortunately it's not possible. not that i do, haah.
i wish for a mind that perishes only with the soul, and true close companionship.. what else lasts forever? what other treasures are there?
11:19 am