Monday, November 13, 2006
 i really want my macbook now -.-
went to collect APR today. all i can say is, disappointing. blah. anyway, looking ahead and making preparations.. yeah. went down to kino and splurged again.. lol.. 50 bucks! hoo. i'll be broke for a good while now. they didn't have the last book of the belgariad in stock.. hopefully the three gaping empty spots on the eddings shelve will clue the stock-taker in. haah. went down to see the choir. bass doesn't seem to have improved or deproved at all.. so is that a good thing or bad thing? haah.. but as a whole choir they're sounding much better than before eoys.. but still need to buck up -.- at this standard i think we've only bagged us a silver.
dang itchy fingers go and play with scabs. lol. darn tubes made the wounds heal funny.. started healing once the incision was made and the tubes were placed in. only one of the three is healing normally. gah. stupid, later get 2 funny shaped scars there.
yeah, feeling out of sorts tonight. all the frippery after philosophy. oh well.

idleness.. feeling better now, but my left side's still pretty sore when i get up and down. all i want for christmas is a 6 foot hardwood bo, haah. yeah ok. i'll quit spurting random nonsense.
looking forward to junior's camp. such is the result of idleness on the comp! but then again it's nothing much, nothing at all. darn uber pro people at deviantart. hm, gotta dust off that lousy old camera. not gonna be getting a new one anytime soon as this rate, lol. nonetheless! count me blessings ay. i'm off to st. johns for 4(?) days!
next week reviewing. hope nothing goes wrong THIS time. it had better not, after all that trouble. and all that money wasted on surgery and hospitalization! i can think of oh, just under half a million uses for all that money.
yeah, just let me be an idiot for a while tonight. i've been cooped up too long, my brains are beginning to get poofy round the edges. i gotta.. hang in here until after review. too many things can go wrong.. i just don't dare to risk it anymore. yeah. ok.
5:59 pm