the whole night sucked after that, and when i fina...
according to arnold i'm making this place too obvi...
or not.The Bible in 50 wordsGod made, Adam bit,Noa...
but seriously, it's 'cause things are somehow both...
it's the new year again. diagnose me.. constant fa...
yesterday it rained and i told you how i sat in ...
january third, school starting in a few hours; jus...
aack. it was a trap.i know i said, but.. realizing...
school's really starting, which is going to mean n...
as the year comes to an end, things start to get s...
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the continuous chain
drop the fork!
raffles voices
layout by: detonatedlove♥
Saturday, February 18, 2006

something from machall, after not visiting for a long time.. i shall say nothing on the subject..
today was the second saturday forced to waste the whole day.. more or less.. vocal training for the sec ones in the morning.. then com meeting(v short one this time), and lunch.. lol.. forgot to bring money again, so just got anything. the bad news is i'm not doing too much to the sec ones. i'm not really a descripty explainy teachy sort of person. i can do it.. but i just can't get the idea across too well. oh well. at least i managed some of them. noone else in the com is too good at descripty explainy teachy, it seems, cause most of the sec ones really didn't improve that much today.. but i'm happy, cause one of them did, that i know of, anyways. haha. it's something.
then one hour to go down to church, cause by the time everything was over, it was like 1.30pm, and it would have been pointless to go home then out again. so off to church. attempted to do da guitar homework thing, but failed miserably. bored self by playing same things over and over and over.. realized it's quite nice sitting right at the back, went 0.o at the 3xtrEme makeover of the junior chapel room, went for choir in audi. scrwed up solo again, get depressed cause church choir really isn't progressing anywhere imho. some wld say it's not nice to say that, which is why i'm not saying it. i'm posting it discreetly on my pubic domain blog which you are not obliged to read and get offended over.
whole grain toast is better than regular toast. it stays toastier, longer. i mean, crispier. or something. a lot of people(okae not a lot, but most that know) are pretty surprised by the fact that i do chinese pop more than engligh. maybe it's the RI effect thing. i dunno. i just like chinese for music. the dang language itself is art, man. yeah. it's just that the country is so HUGE, it kinda loses the novelty. or rather, it never has too much novelty, unlike japan or korea. too many dang chinese running over the whole world =)
running out of time(again). i've been using a lot of brackets this post, no? just now in a random spasm spastic conversation with david, i went, Where is your dog?? and he was like, A dog i do not have, or something like that. the point is he didn't say i don't have a dog. he said something else. yeah.
a nice new song courtesy of me chinese teacher. was some assignment on our outlook on love. the perks of doing regular chinese rather than higher =) you can keep your china history.. haha.. anyways this song is really kinda what i feel in some funny way.
before the lyrics some dang nice pics of a dang nice house that i found while researching for my project. i wish i thought of that design man.
你要我含情默默对你说出SALANGHE 常埋怨我们之间缺少韩剧的画面 你要我一整天背着你赤脚走海边 命令我每一天只吃韩国泡面
我不是 宋承宪 不懂生死不渝的誓言 我喜欢用最简单字眼叙述对你的迷恋 我不是 宋承宪 不懂制造煽情生死恋 我只能用仅有呼吸换你快乐每一天
亲爱的女孩 我不是偶像派 要明白 实力比较吃的开 我的爱 轻松自在 请把心敞开 你会发觉其实我也不赖
这里虽然不可能有凄美雪景出现 但我会给你最灿烂的夏天 我会拼尽全力给你最温馨的体贴 守护着你身边 期限是一万年
11:20 pm