Tuesday, February 21, 2006
nothing much. went down to borders to find a book(tropical modern), den went kino, found it there, realized it wasn't really all that. found a bunch of books at kino that were all that, but all of them are like so ex lorh. nvmind. next time.
just a snippet.
 spread.. fun game.. haha..
something that i forgot to mention about that saturday was how there were like, so many people asking directions. as we were leaving school, there was this old lady asking where to go to take bus 163 in cantonese, and nobody understood her except me, and i can't really speak it that well, so.. well basically i struggled along, but then she suddenly decided she didn't want to take 163 anymore. she wanted to go to some temple. so we assumed it was the one in the collumbarium, so we told her to go in, but she kept pointing to the school for no discernable reason. anyways, as we edged her toward the collumbarium some guy came out whom apparently recognized her, so we just left her in his capable hands. yepp.
then after that at dhoby ghaut somebody came and asked me how to go to Buangkok. first thing tt came to mind was the previous episode, then "tourist".. some feller with nothing better to do and want to go and check the place out. anyway just pointed and this one went her way. hahh.. to say nothing of the fact that both of them were ladies, middle and old aged. it's not quite fair to judge anyone based on two examples is it. but on a separate note it's quite interesting to observe how many stupid "professionals" make such conclusions.
basically today was quite random. after my bookhunt which resulted in otherwise emptyhandedness, went to bugis cause geof wanted to find a bag. he didn't buy any. hahh.. whatever. anyways went back early. yay. whatever.
okae. that's all.
9:40 pm