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Sunday, September 04, 2005
![]() today everyone seemed pretty happy, which is good. the reason why i noticed it(it's not always like this!) isn't. but then again maybe it's just my psychotic brain working up. hurhur, actually managed to forget to bring hp and wallet today, cld just slap myself. ah. generally everything was.. not normal. but i can't think of a way to describe it. so nothing, =) haha.. seriously. am i tt funny. seriously. lol. sch is getting buggy. yesyes, why am i talking about sch during hols! everyone is going like, yay hols, all i can say is bleah. every dya except thursday, and now thanks to bennett maybe including thursday, i'll be going back to sch early in da morn sia.. monday got bio prac and test, tues and wed math remedial, which i nead dearly, getitng twenty percent for math. math ah... want to die already lah. dunno lah. just try to pia all the formula during this holidays. it's just tt i dunno where to use what formula, so randomly use, then all wrong! yayy. haiyah. nevermind lah. tok so much oso useless. everyone can only tell me, da only way is practice. which i intend to do, but... hahaha.. better not but anything. otherwise i kena retained in sec 3 or something. dun think bob will even let me do tt, having someone retain will make RI's reputation go down the drain, so he'll probably rather kick me out. then whee dunno go where liaoz. nvmind.. lessons are as usual, still use stoney, except maybe wallabados lessons' where also as usual, all hell breaks lose. then she will start shouting nicely, at nobody in particular, why we are so bad to her, etc etc.. nobody can answer her lah, and i told her why.. "This Raffles Programme thing is making everyone go mad already.. madder than this King Lear that we are studying.. even our counterparts in RGS oso want to feng diao already.. so dunneed to ask these people why.. they aren't sane enuff to answer." then she started shouting nicely, not in that i'm getting pissed off and going to blow my top voice, but just loud voice, to nobody in particular, that she understands tt it's very stressful and all that crap, but pls calm down and keep quiet blah blah so tt she can continure lessons. the interesting thing is, she never asked me since everyone is insane already why i'm not. the boring thing is in the end, after a which she just gives up and starts teaching nobody in particular, whilst people play table tennis on three tables lined up at the back of the classroom, or mess with a soccer ball. at which point i would either go to sleep, join in the others, do other homework that is horrendously overdue or listen to her. the last, very seldom, because she's often over twenty pages behind where i am, and i figure the notes she gave us cover everything, if not more than she teaches. so, lol. on a separate note, if u think we're v bad for playing soccer in class, i'm toking about just juggling the ball lah. always trying to do stupid tricks with the ball, we all. well, it's still better than 3E right.. they basically take a ball, and take turns ramming it as hard at they can in any direction whilst everyone who is waiting their turn ducks and covers. the failse celing there is covered with cracks. so, dotz. haha. walabados should be thankful she doesn't teach that class. another period that occasionally manages to be interesting is chem.. do loads of practicals, and every single time she will threaten the class with not ever being allowed ot do practical again. i go to 3G for chem, cause taking normal, not advanced chem(not pro enuff mah).. and this class is like, the star of the whole batch. not in a good starry sense. in a ebil supernova exploding mass destruction sense. the entire staff lives either in hate or fear of them. i either dispise or admire those who have the courage to hate, because they either don't know anything about what these guys are really like(the former, cause some can be really nice guys if they are in the mood, and others actually muggers, lol) or they are just pissed off cause these guys cld be so much better. in their opinion. i say: they're expressing themselves. it doesn't seem particularly bad. they aren't going around cuffing teachers on the back of their heads, or vandalising anything too badly, apart from the door that was previously almost ripped down then replaced before it happened, following a visit by the dicipline master. My theory is they fear a tonguewhipping followed by a sitting on by him. mostly the latter. it's a pretty obvious fact that he wears custom made. you really don't want to make him get physical with you. let's just say, you'll be seriously, seriously mismatched. size-wise. and otherwise. i really don't want to find out. =) ahh.. but i disgress. chem lessons, it's just fun to mess around with chemicals. =) it's my thing, you could say, if math isn't. i'm just okae at it. no way i'd get into chemical business. tooo boring. real life applications for chemistry are prob just the most boring of the three sciences, physics being the best. dat's why i wish i could rock at physics instead of chem.. but it's just not meant to be. one second, i go and search for last year's yearbook, hehheh. =) for, ahem, somebody ah. yea. * * * searching for people... it's not easy bah. help each other out now.. i hope in the future, other people elsewhere will oso help me find those whom i seek.. somehow.. maybe it woul dbe looking for a grain of sand in a swimming pool of salt, but i gotta do it somehow.. aiyah, now gotta rush off again. nevermind.. what i was giong to say.. haha.. chem class is pleasently slack. and somehow wierdly provoking. i suck at drawing stuff. why the heck did i draw that thing in my notebook? who knows. lol, catching wen hao disease, must end blog entry on a single word or phrase. not any more. darn. 5:02 pm |