Wednesday, September 28, 2005
i may forget stuff for my exams, but i notice the storm clouds forming and know where the raindrops fall.
i may not sing what you want to hear, but i know i sing well. and i do.
cause who are you to say what is right and what is wrong? who am i to do these in place of what i am supposed to? because to you, "supposed" is dictated by you, "education" is what you think you are tyring to give me, and "respect" is something you try to teach.
all these because you don't realize that right and wrong was already decided by someone higher than us, that learning takes place when we choose to learn, and we learn what we want to. because you can't see that repect is something that is earned, with intention or without, the same way love is supposed to flow, not be felt.
those people.. like you. you walk around, you say, "i am happy. i feel loved. in fact, i feel more and more loved". you can't see that love is something that must and does flow freely, it's something that is everywhere. there's no such thing as more or less. it's just love.
you are repected because you are respected. i love you because i love you. there is no need for reason or explaination.
8:20 pm