Monday, November 17, 2008
i'm done! •
This place is new history, as i finally figure that I've got nothing worthwhile(left?) to, and I quote, vent soundlessly into the vacuum of the internet. The A's are quite nearly done and over, the rest of my year is almost fully booked, and I seriously need to get around to emailing to beg for an internship for the first two months of next year despite my abysmal school grades. Non-mobile technology is now obsolete for me, as far as all the things people expect me to get done are concerned.
Truth be told, I've been more or less behaving as if the A's are over, aside from the 4 dreary days of desperately trying to absorb the Study of Visual Arts syllabus. It's hopeless, you know. Am I ever glad I'm a Science student, despite things I may have said.
Anyhow, that time of the year is here, and here's hoping that it'll be different. New things are going on, yeah. Visited Pastor Jason and his newborn daughter Hannah at Gleneagles' on Sunday, grats to him, haha. We're all leaving for new places and new endeavours, new possibilities are just around the bend, so to speak, huh. NS aside la, hahhaha hey enlisting later than the rest of the guys really isn't such a great thing lo. I'll ORD later, how sad is that.
Here's to the rest of the days left! Till everyone enlists, till the girls fly overseas, till we ORD and fly too. Ciao!
9:12 pm