Tuesday, July 15, 2008
treasuring her for all it's worth •
though you, would not believe the state I'm in

For studies. No, really! There's not much left and I'm settling down. I'm really glad for people in my life right now whose presence really comforts me and helps me to calm down and refocus myself more quickly even as every day tries me. So it turns out what seemed like bad timing couldn't have been more perfect. x) He works in mysterious ways, hm. A week or two more to tie up loose ends and close projects in school then bunkering down for the 24-hr grind, it's time to live it like these days were meant to be.. As beautiful as they were meant to be since we imagined it. I'll find love and peace with friends, draw my strength from Him and we'll all pull through this beautifully. A most awesome ride awaits this period's conclusion ;) 爱在这里. (:
11:43 pm