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Monday, March 31, 2008
the sweeter it grows •
i just, read it at totally the wrong time, i guess. it put a lump in my throat and that tearing sensation within me. how are we lonely when we're surrounded by people?they used to joke that it was my perfect birthday present, and we took some small quiet pride in how it was the most unique and special of coincidences: for do not so many things seem to happen by chance, or nature's course trimmed by the Lord? we shared nothing but ourselves and the world. no institution brought us together, so none could take us apart. and so none did. i can't quite say i've nothing against institutions, somehow. though i've seen the world through them, the world made up of individuals, and it's taught me a lot.. what strikes me is just, how we cling precariously by our fingertips to things that we know would come to an end, so fleetingly! should we turn our backs for but a moment to touch someone else. the things never last; i take Very Strong Offence at their penchant to melt in your hand, indeed. they hold so much of our lives together, and i wonder if i'm wasting my time. the thing that always amazed me in the past was time, and time. the more time spent.. really, the richer the relationship. it's as simple as that. against all the odds of institution, we would invest the time, just like that. maybe it was a miracle, maybe it was just reaching the stage, and from then on it was easy. but whatever it was, i'll always believe in the power of time. and time, we have so little of. or so it would seem. i question my decision to do architecture so often because of this; where would it leave me? do i really give up hope on finding people who can understand the need to spend the time as well. there's got to be another reason, really. sometimes we don't know how far we ought to go, perhaps. and often we don't express by our behavior and speech clearly enough, how far others ought to go, and we all tiptoe around one another's shattered hopefulnesses. or perhaps we were just caught up in ourselves or something else and failed to notice, in time. but what the time comes, it's too late, and that will forever be my greatest fear, through all the mortal hopes and dreams. that the day is come when it's too late, and i'm even more hopeless to just be there, and help, than i was before. 10:15 pm Sunday, March 30, 2008
how could i not love you? •
i'm reaaally tired, been pottering about the room clearing up the post-CTs mess(yes, only now due to various occupations) and just meditating on the past three weeks. and through it all, i'd just like to say that i'm very happy about how i've been spending my time, i think. spending time with the people i have been spending it with, it's been very fulfilling, haha, to the point that i'm bushed xD often it feels empty, but it's the sort of empty you get when you go to places that are special to more than you, alone. and the people walk beneath the foliage and shadows of streetlamps ambiguously, you're lost in them. the sort of empty that puts a dull tune in my humm and whistle as i walk back home with an untouched sketchpad on a saturday night, tuesday morning. the sort of empty that's, full. i'm glad for this day, always will be. we always like to say, we'll never forget. but i guess i'm too tired to fool about - i'll always be trying to remember. only God knows if i'm ready for something new. also my haircut stinks, but what's new. thanks pam for attempting(and failing!) to correct that today -.- to dreamland and beyond! (yawn) 7:37 pm Friday, March 28, 2008
we're h-h-happening so quickly •
There are moments when I don't know if it's realam super tired. been a tough week. i'm still the same though. there have been late nights in school, and troubling things happening in the periphery. or i think it is. it's the sort that makes me not know whether or not i should care, stop and wonder. wait. where am i? something launched me into this phase a while back, and as i'm becoming conscious on a higher level i realize i've been doing some things that i wouldn't be very proud of. am not very proud of. they're not serious.. just, well. i wish i had never committed, because once you involve that, it's hard to break free. i've not been feeling a lot of old things. something taught me acceptance, i think. yes.. that must be the word. hmm. and.. now some part of me is trying to moderate it. all of a sudden i feel the need to get out of this stasis again. it's not that i haven't been feeling, i just haven't been.. feeling everything. never approved of that in the past, but well all things in moderation, moderation, right. it's the same thing again, but maybe with a clearer head for not feeling certain things. like being awake, but only some parts of the mind and soul are conscious. it's quite sterile and mildly high. i hate to say.. that i feel tied down. and besides, it's not something that just goes away. you're not. i need something to let out the rope, more rope, all the way.. even with the best hopes at the start, it seems that relationships can degenerate into not being able to talk completely honestly with the ones you love. and this whole disaster started when that one went away. 10:00 pm Tuesday, March 25, 2008
hey, that's the theme song to our friendship •
![]() 那颗星 比想像遥远 长大后的我们 慢慢忘了怎么爱the past few days have been mildly disturbing(euphemism)(largely the things people have been saying), but up till a few minutes ago it was quite ok, i think. trying not to let stuff get to me. 坚持! haha looking back, i'd said it before sometime, i think, that i'd do something. well, it seems i did it huh, even though i did it so well i lost myself. i'd like to think so, anyway, that i did lose myself. i'm not lost anymore, or so help me. if you want to look at it in another way, you had your chance when i was weak, now it's gone! gone! gone! hahahha first things this morning(i always get grumpy just hearing the whasername's voice, why couldn't they just promote mr leong?) i was like, ok nice i get a day off on my birthday. but so what eh, folks are all still in school anyway. not going to be much of a birthday anyhow, and now it's cause it's a free day but i'm STILL not going to be able to go out! for the win, eh. sorry that was bitchy but well. anyway, i resolve not to do (too much) homework on that day, spend a nice day with (overdue) (and recently renewed) architecture books. should take a hint from collegeboard and subscribe to a few of those architecture magazines i'd seen around before. on that note, taking SATs(thanks to geof's awesome parents!) on 3rd may with geof sianying quanquan. go us. anyhow, all in all life had subsided(finally?) into a genial affability that didn't give or ask for too much. and i can accept that, for the time(or could, now that it's diminishing? self-fulfilling prophecy?). it's like how some people only believe in one true loves when they've found her. right now i'm just trying(hard) not to be such an exorbitant fool. (it's working. you'll have to take my word for it if the actions don't match-) yeah, sounds familiar to me too. but what the heck. i'll take it as it comes for as long as i can bear to. out! 9:47 pm Friday, March 21, 2008
choose your getaway car •
"Standing above the street you open a window on its dusty hinge above a leaf-littered lower decking, and you expect some sort of cooling breeze, diffusing in to cool your face from the intenseness of it all. But it's as good as nothing had happened, you'd never opened the window at all, the air sits square before you like a relationship that refuses to move. That is, until you begin to listen to the sounds of the world coming in, touching your heart in its shell."what a week. it's times like this i think about you and i ask myself, what the heck was all that moping for. still wasn't worth it. right after i think about you and i think, gosh, if you were here. block tests were quite ok, i held my breath and hoped that i wouldn't get demoralized by a paper, for my subsequent papers. and hey, i didn't - the last one, physics, totally slaughtered me. gosh. gen i join your study group, if there's room. i was actually worried that on thursday after physics i'd have nothing to do, cause people were off at their own various stuff and folks were basically all over the island. 'd have taken you out if you'd asked. brought all the architecture books i'd borrowed like 2 weeks ago and my sketchbook ready to sit down at botanics or starbucks or island creamery to pore over them, but it turned out there was too much to do. they're still sitting by the head of my bedside. went to Crazy Angmoh, props to Ding, the stuff really ain't half bad. yufang's house after that, we basically lounged around, with Ding being badass on the guitar as usual, and watched some chinese vampire horror-comedy that reminded me of the indian girly-man MV at some points, hahhaha. was stalking off to the far end of the world, the bus stop at the shell station when i got a message from suet, and tadah they were at Junction 8. had random fun for gosh, two plus three hours? that is classified at the moment, yeah., hahhaha. then i went off yup. went home to change then leave for pool with amos-arnold and geoff(we are F.A.G!) i turned up super late, like an hour, cause i forgot to bring the goods(which, as it happened, were duds) for the subsequent Event Of The Night. anyway, we three get to spend quality time together so seldom it's sad, was damn sorry i missed the chance to get a bit more. more soon, anyway. somehow i was at the top of my game that night, just that arnold kept getting the last say/shot -.- then went to royce's place after suitably elaborate planning and panicking(involving me running all the back home in jeans from the standard chartered bank in the nighttime! after suddenly realizing while talking to wenyi on the phone and making a mad dash off with my books upon realizing! not fun! is be hot!). is long story that i cannot do justice to, so shortly, it was teh good stuff. yep. ![]() wow this is a lot of reminiscing. tonight's good friday youth service plus dinner plus quality time was good in a funny way. i'm beginning to understand why i did certain things, what i was thinking and feeling. maybe what others were thinking and feeling too, to a much smaller extent, sigh. every time i try to pray for things, i can't - i can only pray, Thy will be done, Thy will be done. sigh. to quote (someone or another) on (something about historical significance), it's too close to tonight for me to say anything about it. i feel but i dare not commit, but at least i dared feel. and you know how long i haven't dared, hey. goodnight, His will be done, aye. 11:18 pm Saturday, March 15, 2008
marmalade fires dancing behind my eyelids •
![]() 14th now i'm composed. thank you grace for being a distraction from the issue at hand, i needed something inspersed or i'd start going nuts and never be able to go back to studying. so, thanks, haha. a few things. it's clichéd, but it can't help but find genuine child-like wonder of beauty to be even more wonderful and pleasant to gaze at than anything nature has shown me yet. yes, haha. mm. and i regret not getting to know some people better, by reason of well, psychological segregation. oh well, sigh. oh, and to live my unwanted legacy of "anyone who reads your blog would disagree", i have this to say about the other aspect of today. fsk. yep. study status is falling behind, i realize that the reason why my essays get such pathetic grades compared to humans kids could well be because i'm not so well versed in all the philosophies, sigh. i can't explain them off the top of my head, i see the question then start formulating a structure off the knowledge of the structure that i have placed in my subconscious mind, haha. darn. will treat KI a lot more seriously. also i have not started on art properly. like, writing the vocab lists and doing studies of those imba essays. double darn. today we had quiet moments in botanics, haha. general comfort that just is, without any words. this is what i hope all friendships blossom into, eventually. quiet time in the morning and then ice cream really settled me, before the nonsense i had to face from myself later in the day. thank you (: i have to say i think i really really needed that. have i mentioned? since last thursday, morning till evening in school! well, except sunday. and on two of the nine days i only came to school at lunch. but still! wah tiring. and in hindsight it doesn't really look like i actually got much done, physically. i do feel Mathematically accomplished, though. i don't think i've ever really finished a whole, entire holiday revision paper for math. well.. technically i haven't finished applications of integration, but lalalalalala. so! despite looming CTs and not having studied chem at all this hols(exam on tuesday!!!) we shall have lunch tmr! it's another of those feel wonderful things, to have everyone eating and chatting together. i've been very hypocritical, i think, and overly optimistic. let's try small steps. oh and one last random note. i realized that eating clichéd food just generally gives a good feeling, and i wonder if it's universal. salted pretzels and rich, pulpy orange juice, cookies/pie and chilly fresh milk, toasty buttered croissants and the perfect cupful of hot chocolate/coffee. tea, tea, glorious tea. roasted fowl and something with essence of grape, sipping soda floats in an amusement park with friends, and (my personal favorite ever since you, donchaknow) warm-hot sugary cinnamon churros on a cool blustery day between the rides. food is so mystical, if i weren't supposed to be all educated and blargh i would have gone into cooking properly ages ago, i think. also, if i hadn't discovered architecture and become so adamant about it >< i continue to angst about issue number one till i sleep. goodnight! 10:12 pm Thursday, March 13, 2008
smother •
i really love deborah's to-do postits, hahhaha, they make me feel Formally organized, which is more than i can usually say. i tend to just figure out what i generally am trying to accomplish and how, then just make up the details as i go along and the situation becomes clearer. awesome metal cutter sitting there, what if i took my right hand off right now? what would life become? i'm tackling one thing at a time, i said, and CTs don't count, some other self-concept is handling that problem. me, about this issue, 'm screaming AHHHH when i'm looking at you i'm sure- and all i need now is a reason to keep those doubts at bay through the seasons when you're away gosh, please don't keep me locked here this way i paid attention, and whoa, i really do have incredibly fast micro-mood swings, when i feel certain ways about certain little things that happen. this really can't be healthy - but at least i can keep my mouth shut and face silent when i'm sincere in wanting to hide it. or i think i do. sometimes when you're speaking out as a person in a group, there's no need to be balanced about it. each individual contributes to the balancedness, and so long as in your speech you phrase yourself in an obviously open-minded fashion enough to show that you don't mean to offend anyone - you know what a person or people need to hear, just say it, man.. especially when it's just something Encouraging, even if it seems superficial. because sometimes we just need a change in perspective, if even just for a bit; and to know that people believe in you, and to have a little help keeping the mood from degenerating into something too dark and dangerous. maybe that's why for all the philosophical crap and psychological angst that comes out of this mouth, i've had to play the role of the whimsy laughing guy(well now there's no need to, since all the guys grew more sensitive senses of humor after exposure to girls -.-)(en garde! defend yourselves! xD). overdone numerous times, but that was a risk to take.. better than the alternative. nobody should ever be really angry or depressed at the same time as me if we're like, i don't know, supposed to be doing stuff together or are just together. we'll probably just die from it all together, hahahha.. much as i'd perhaps hate to admit it(due to various reasons but maybe one thirdly because of ben low, of whom i must say i've probably had skewed perceptions of because of certain associations), i sort of like this current graduating batch of RV kids. They have the general makings of a certain sort of people that i can really appreciate: good, sensible folk who are innately focused and logical but whom have the most incredible sense of humor and a mature sensitivity towards other individuals. it's far off, and we all have our own goals of what sort of person we'd want to be, eh. but i think i'd be awfully proud if someone could describe me like that, so, eh, even though you all are still far off, you better be damn flattered friedemann can say this sort of thing k! xD yeah that's all. this is like my destress of the day. i've been so tired i haven't even ran since monday, doubt i will till good friday. gonna turn into a blob. hah! gosh, i keep making jokes or wanting to say things that are related to KI class, but nobody would get it anyways. oh well. gosh all this sounds so whimsy. oh well. goodnight! 11:04 pm Wednesday, March 12, 2008
cold evenings in singapore •
it always makes me feel like i'm psychologically consolidating all my cares and concerns when i discuss random things about life with geoffrey. it's a good feeling.i'm hurrying to write this down before i forget it, and before i have my dinner; i found the words to express one more thing that just bugs me. i find it hard to accept that.. people who i think well of- well, people who are friends, who i love lah, basically, can have such.. seemingly bad opinions? is that the word? ahh, i don't know again.. well, this case in particular(just so i can recall the feeling and perhaps find the world for it in the future), it's how these people(there aren't really words to describe one's psychological relationship with them) can be so.. judgemental? in a way that just seems.. wrong. ahhh. i think the problem with me is that i'm slowly becoming more conscious about the issues i have with how the universe works. i do think i'll keep them in mind when i see the Lord and ask Him, why? is that ok..? xS this is post-dinner and birthday cake cutting.. suddenly i'm really really tired. falling asleep on the couch while waiting tired. like, both physically and mentally, but more mentally i think. psychologically has become a perpetual state, whilst cycling from issue to issue, hahha. gosh. is this burnout from studying? i think my stamina and speed for mugging really suck xp i'm feeling more settled. like there are fewer pokey things jabbing me? cause the jabbing motion is like, over. now they're just, there. like how pain becomes a habit, that's how you're affecting my mind, you and you and you and you, haha. it's not meant to be morbid, actually(and i'm saying this because upon rereading that's how it sound ><), it's just that well. it's just the feeling when problems stop arising and you can start trying to accept life with the problems that exist already, and hey, maybe together we'll resolve them. no matter who you're with, life can't help but go on. 9:24 pm Tuesday, March 11, 2008
204 •
yawn(then he really yawns)slept in late today, just woke up half an hour ago. this'll be my rest day for the week.. i'll need it, i think. hm, now that i think about it, it's funny how i slept so much just now, while someone must have slept really little. did i say? studying all day like this really feels right, like i'm not wasting time. lectures and tutorials seems so ugh now. company doesn't hurt either (: and whaddya know, timing today is perfect for me to grab lunch. hm. memo to self to call ivan or something later. what are you looking for? a lot of random musing people do often can be explained by the answer to that question.. and often it's, i don't know. so the question becomes, are you trying to find out what you're looking for, or are you just moseying along, exploring life? which do you want to be doing? *sigh*(and this is an actually ok, but then again.. sort of sigh) i swear, i never stopped thinking of you, or you. and maybe what i'm looking for(or part of what i'm looking for now) is to be able to say, 没什么特别i'm off to shower then school. please keep me in your prayer, as i do you, haha. (: 10:16 am Saturday, March 08, 2008
they say wishing for you is like wishing for snow in southern Californiai'll talk about singing, fine, hahhaha.. singing was good today, somehow. it's such a sine curve; does that sound familiar? seems to remind me of someone, hm. well, it's the cycle between facing the questions inside and trying to accept things. somehow, every time, it seems like so long ago, but when it was here it seemed like it would last forever. dayam. when the time comes around, the sunflowers in the cornerwondering about things that shouldn't even be relevant to me right now! that aren't, that aren't, haha. yeah, i despise my descriptions of today, though i'm not trying to say it was stellar, i just don't describe well enough. it was like beginning to wish again. there. huilin was back today! hey, we aren't alone huh. nope. i've got so much inside me right now, i think. i remember, i do remember every one of the things that matter to me, though sometimes it seems that i'm occupied with something else with which i'm acting like it means only everything. •hate it a strong world, but i really really really don't like all affairs exclusive, most intensely. especially if i'm conscious of them. •nine days! !! !!!!!!!! •i wikied Monterey. who knew it was such a homey place throughout. i only recall snippets, haha. i remember about the wharf though! and the marine center.. and of course the navy preschool, but that and everything else isn't documented there, of course. •i feel incredibly untalented and stupid. •joseph ooi! where did you buy your mike! i think i have a slow reaction time to music or something; or perhaps it's just that i've learnt not to really really trust my snap judgement, because i love things like that too easily. but well, certain song is stuck in my head now, and phone's looping to sate the desire. i can read things, and then i can read into things. i swear i won't get my hopes up, but hey you don't get anything if you don't expect anything, right? we'll get along. 9:32 pm Thursday, March 06, 2008
and it's worth it just to hear you say •
not been so good, somehow. haven't been able to enjoy singing lately as much as i ought to, sigh. i must be doing all the wrong stuff already. a number of things rationally received but to be psychologically accepted. i ask myself if i'm going too far, but then thoughts get messy with all the possible subconscious implications so i stop myself short. do i read too much into this?the more i learn about the fine arts the more intrigued i am with them, hahha. though fine arts isn't such an apt label anymore, it'd seem to me, but well. every person has their own artistic character. i only wish i'd explored it more in depth instead of, absconding to my lack of natural talent, lol. not like i've got any in any other field anyhow. on happier notes, math has been kinder to me lately, though i still got crappy grades on the latest test -.- he deducted so many marks due to calculation errors and error carried forward! is it any wonder i failed!!?! but oh well, CTs CTs.. going to sing some then study with the guys today. sigh, it's another of those odd feeling things. oh, self-indulgence is just fine for me, cause otherwise, i get too absorbed with others. then it's what the hell and all downhill from there. distractions from you must be good. 9:03 am Tuesday, March 04, 2008
non-example •
just then, i was so angry. i'm trying so hard to hold it in, up till now. stopping myself from doing anything, i was so hot, sweating so hard. picked up my things, i don't know how i survived the way back.i tried thinking, and actually i gained an inkling as to why. but i don't really want to care right now, because i'm still angry. very, very angry. do you know what i mean? 7:34 pm Monday, March 03, 2008
when will we realize? •
![]() i'm beginning to understand.. that a lot of the things we talk about in life, won't be accomplished, just like that(snaps fingers). it's not that i thought it would be easy, and it's not that i didn't appreciate that the beauty of life is the walk, not the door at then end. it's just that.. too many times, i think, i keep saying things as if i can do them. as if i can make them come true, somehow, just by believing it. the thing is, a lot of these stuff can't just be done, just like that.. it really takes time, and effort, and not just by any single person. and i believe i haven't been doing enough.. it's just that, augh. i keep saying that, but something is just wrong. i won't say i don't want to be held back, because i'm not really being held back! i mean, augh. well, imagine what i'd mean in a way that makes sense, that'd be it. it's the whole part of your past experiences thing. it's something that i'd keep with me. and with past as the keyword, i cannot but come to terms with how it takes as much time as it does. and yet, i don't want to do the wrong things, with what i have now. i've fouled up something that meant a lot to me already, call it misfortune or sheer idiocy. i probably just aren't able to see it now, as i wasn't before, but i don't want to do it again. you have no idea how i don't want to. that's why i have to constantly make now the most important thing, if only i can. yet, i want to go back to living life properly, like, now. i want to live life so that if i realized i had only (number) days to live, or hours, i wouldn't live them out in an unusual way at all. just as i always would. my gran turns 73 today.. she looked really happy yesterday at the dinner, so many 孙儿女 crowded about her and in her lap, it's not hard to understand why our ancestors liked to have large families, hahhah.. i realize that i'd have a lot of things to say to people, and time needed to be spent, if it came to that anytime soon at all - and it makes me unsettled. not counting "i love you", because somehow that's something that can never be said enough, but just doesn't mean anything unless you can say/do something more. i'd be inclined to say that at one's deathbed, it's appropriate that that's the only thing left to be said to anyone at all, haha. well, what's up with this sort of musing, eh. sigh. i don't really know, honestly. it feels like i'd completed a designated part of my course and, given a moment's respite, had a shocking cold shower and then such a steaming one to melt all the tension away, and come out drying my hair, rested. but then it suddenly seems that it didn't really happen, and it feels like it wouldn't have made much of a difference if i'd been made to continue walking towards the next stop for a rest instead. like the shower was only good while it lasted, and wait- did it even? when was it? what was it? oh, right. it never came. 8:13 pm Saturday, March 01, 2008
i swear, that while we're •
paper life comes folding down as wewe fall into town oh, - i know it means nothing to you at all. i think i know what it is now. it's that. the 不值得, the 不明白. the 无尽头, the 舞花台. hiiiigh drama. *swears* so what's the solution to this problem? 11:30 pm put the lime in the coconut •
![]() so much for being at peace with the world. it's difficult to say, but.. i'm feeling once more like maybe deciding to wait, not to do anything might turn out to be a bad decision. it's just a feeling, you know. the thing is, logical things can always be explained away with counterlogic. feelings.. just are. could be the crappy day. well, i don't know. it wasn't really that crappy. i feel it's the whole internal aura thing, you know? little things nagging my unconscious mind just making me unsettled and on the edge. i'd try to understand them, but i don't know if i can. retarded chinese common test yesterday had some passage about not living any moment of your life like it's just a dry run; it's the real deal, all the way, boys. somehow most of the times i've been to chinese class this year and the teacher tried to say something instead of showing a movie, i actually got reminded about something about life. can't say why, but i hate it. augh. gramps is in the hospital cause of some breathing problems.. mom's betting on him chowing down on all the leftover CNY stuff, plus not taking his meds regularly for his various old person ailments. he always was an ok-shape sort of guy.. messing with chemicals in the spare room in the old, larger flat the grandparents used to stay in, hitting the beer hard. not too hard, anyway. but now he's hospitalized. a thing like that can really affect the resolve and inner strength of a person. then, granny's birthday celebs at GWC on sunday evening. it's quite an interesting feeling, like some bittersweet-lemon gum of a feeling. i'm quite happy for her, cause her children generally are really one big family with her, but maybe that's just me contrasting with the other side of the family. and as one of the oldest male grandchildren.. it's a certain feeling, haha. like i want to make the rest of her life good as it can be, feeling. sigh. on the way back via mrt today i discovered something important about music and me, and extending the reasoning just right now, i learn something new. i like for things to have, meaning.. i can't stand songs when they don't mean anything, aren't trying to say something meaningful. likewise with art, in hindsight. thankfully, though, that doesn't often happen, cause it's quite hard to do these things without trying to express something, and that in itself is meaning. i could well be wrong about Mondrian. perhaps i just don't understand him, like i seem not to understand so many things. so maybe i'm just feeling stagnant, like something about life just isn't moving on and growing. maybe the non-action is by choice, and it annoys me in some profound way that i can't deny. maybe it's just today, and i can sleep it off. maybe reminders about certain relationships ALL OVER THE DAMN PLACE tempting the socks off of me, and then tempting me to headbang(insert object). maybe after tomorrow something else little will provide the little tweak to my mood and it'll be alright. or maybe there's a solution to this thisthisthsitshit problem. 8:17 pm |