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Sunday, October 07, 2007
settling down •
![]() finally slept in today, but ended waking up just before eight out of habit, but it was good.. cause fell asleep at ten plus, as i could tell from the unreplied message on my phone in my hand when i woke up, hahha.. open house was good. meant something that he commented, really, but it did feel quite good, especially the first time round when we weren't that tired.we went a little out at times, and rushed a little, but overall i think people really had fun on stage, which is really a good thing =) you know it means something when i'm not being critical, hahh! it wasn't a competition, so of course we were sort of more relaxed, but we can do it from now till then =) yay optimism, lol. as a group we grow a little. now i see toh and i'm reminded of pastor davy somehow. it's like.. seeing how we can grow closer as a group, wish he'd be closer and more involved with individuals too. it's the same in church, but that's another story, hahha. this isn't an empty stage.. but it was for him. this isn't the way we should be treating our teachers.. and as for the music, i can envision things and ways of doing it, but it's really hard.. difficult to think of the right way to do things, so they don't go horribly wrong. then there's the saying, 100% of punches that are not thrown miss. we could race, guys and girls to experiment with pure male and pure female voices and see where we go, hahaha =D but want us as a choir to be more involved in the school, events like this open house, we could have played a much bigger role, picked up some repertoire suitable for such stuff. we're people! the most mobile instruments there are, we could have done so much. bring voices back to the fore of music.. what do you guys think? talk to me.. working with other folks has taught me too. at this point a lot of people are just fixed and unwilling to accept changes.. we may seem like quite a pai don't care batch but i get the feeling it's cause people've already made their close friends and have mostly closed doors to others.. it's that cool calm professionalism, or discomfort with themselves however well hidden, or just plain weirdness. appearances matter to some extent though, and we know it, so there's always the need to fit into a group. but we knew that already. never mind.. ![]() anyway! now a lot of stuff coming up. today in the afternoon suddenly remembered how much shopping i had wanted to do, but lazy to go out today, so probably this coming week, after PW-OP dry run is out of the way. also see it we can finish this song with the boys, hahhha, maybe we can actually do something. if everyone's ready to quit being boring and sleepy, we can finally see some action around this joint =) gotta do load of things i'd planned too.. work work work.. design class tee, KI shirt? hahaha.. chorale jacket and file.. shall i find a friend to tailor design for a traveling outfit? hahhaha, exciting. all for fun.. would you all want one? lol. guitar.. i wanna try going electric too, after talking to an old.. friend. need to plan class CIP project, need to study for chinese AO levels, want to go out with 08S06S, with arnold and geof, with chorale, with churchies, with some friends.. that reminds me.. sigh. i want to pay someone a visit. about what i had said too. now in the middle of the stress of promos and getting back results + AOs, a little release from all the rush and hype, calm down a little and i do feel it, haha. then i think too much, then i start finding things to distract myself =) well, that's life. time to come to terms with things, time to settle down. i do want to settle down, i have wanted to, but then you didn't notice, and now all of you are so mysterious, i don't know what any of your looks mean. nothing, perhaps. i'll just continue the path i'm walking.. and do whatever i decide to. i want an awesome hi-fi setup for my room, i want to move closer to the city, i want us to make more music, more music, more fun and love. i want to settle down into it. break the tradition, un-emo-fy this season? perhaps.. i forget so many things, things i'd felt, things i've said, things i thought, but some things, a guy doesn't forget just like that. but that said, i'm happy with where we're walking towards, i think. =) 12:04 am |