i'm happy =]i really don't have anything more to s...
after today, finally realized i don't play enough ...
somehow in this life we've made, we're always tryi...
looking back on the past, melancholy memories or h...
many many things i want to talk about, things i've...
"i don't want to have to say i'm sorry, when you f...
dunno if i've posted this before, but for some rea...
ahh.i got nothing. i need a loan.EOY overseas comp...
this morning went to this before and after school ...
"mayday, mayday, We got a problem!" "--hey boy, it...
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the continuous chain
drop the fork!
raffles voices
layout by: detonatedlove♥
Saturday, July 08, 2006

and so it's over. freaky short, lousy repertoire in general, scrwy many many, but i almost forgot what gives one that stupid grin after a performance like this. spastic jokes about one another, laughing and cheering, clasping hands and many a slap on the back(and chop to the chest =] )
toh was only half correct. the music is one thing, but then there is the people. in the artistic sense, the concert was pretty much a flop. but i think i can forget about such things for a while.. esp since ensemble did kinda better than expected. we all stayed in, just fumbled a bit in guaya but got back pretty fast. and the solos were too soft.. okae. wdv.. but it was okae.
it'll probably be my last concert ever, as far as i can see now.. hope to do more of such stuff with geof and other guys, maybe we could get an act together ourselves. but you never know.. haiz. well. still laughing over all the "go xiaotian! go ansai!".. lol.. luckily most people only know about xianchen as ansai..
now that it's over, toh has realized that he's got to be with us more if he wants to get anything done. well, duh. came back to work with us so shortly before concert.. haiz.. wdv. so he's demanding we start next wednesday already, for the year end trip. the verdict on my presence/absence is still uncertain.
欠钱还钱! broke from paying for the concert tickets.. >=]
天上有老鼠 地上有只猫 天上老鼠飞 地上猫儿跑
done with gulliver's travels, ridiculous book. no lit for me in RJ. philo is discussing the legality of firearms and "drug abuse" under the american democratic legal system.. finding it hard to get into the discussion because the american model of democracy is so nonsensical. but then again, most are in their own little ways. in the end, every debate that touches on something specific always makes me think about my tribalism model again, and how it would so simply solve such specific problems.
yeah, and so life goes on. we're supposed to do our own music after the concert, but seeing as geof is already confirmed going for the eoy trip, there will just have to be some allowances made.. and still hoping to find one more guitarist, and drummer if kwok decides he doesn't want in.
ah. it's all just talk. i want to start doing.. blasted sch and its nonsensical redundant project work. thankfully we'll still have the oriantation months.. by 2008, no more.. haha.. so sad.
okae.. i've run out. on monday i shall claim back my youth day, but there's RE and english biography crap to do.. argh.. still haven't got the photos, video and biography from daryl. how'm i going to make the trailer like this..
well. i talk a lot of crap, and i'm still a few people. but i'm trying. you're probably right, adrian. but what about the courage to try to be even more mature that you think you are? the humility to see that there is always room for bettering oneself?
i'm still trying, but through it all, i always loved you guys, and always will. adieu
12:16 am