Tuesday, April 25, 2006
lol.. double post, i know, and i haven't eaten either. but i just had to come back and post this. googled my name for the first time, and wadya know, hongking's blog turns up. how come i never found him that way before =/ haha..
3 or 4 years my senior, sorta knew him in prisch, haha.. then 2 years back when i was still pretty darn calafare found his blog and went all hahazz lolzz zzzzzzzz on him. ahah. anyway, think he's done with NS, just? quoth him:
mm. there are 3 hong kings near the exam period.
1. the one who wants to work so that he doesnt need to be so last minute
2. the one who wants to just keep pushing the limit to see just how little time is needed
3. the one who is confident that he will do alright even if the prep isn't the best possible ah now that i work it out, i understand why 1 never wins. 2 and 3 are always in an alliance.
lol, in the same way, there are three friedys. ain't it just an amazing coincidence? nahh.. it's the raffles influence, i tell ya.
8:10 pm