before i always thoughtwhat could i do for peopleh...
down to the deskcover your headeverything's smalle...
i just woke from the.. no. it's not the wierdest. ...
hundred and tenth.there's just something about tod...
I just showered earlier this morning, but now God ...
blinkie*hahahhahaa.. so cute. lol. so funny. yes, ...
haiz.. back late again. if 8pm is late. it's kinda...
i need a new work planworking late nights.. i know...
A lot of random thots know, when you ju...
why do endings make so much difference...? haiz..f...
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the continuous chain
drop the fork!
raffles voices
layout by: detonatedlove♥
Saturday, July 30, 2005
I'm really sick and tired of all u ignorant fools who think choir is a slack and wimpy cca where u can just sit back, pretend to sing and let others do the job. oh u think, everyone can sing, look at me lalala i can sing fun singalong songs, there's no skill involved! Just open your mouth, let sound come out and tada u get a gold with honours. easy as pie. if u dun fucking know how much skill and practice has been put into achieving the standard of choral singing we get, dun bloody compare us to cheap karaoke/campfire/praiseandworship/singalong songs will u.
U think oh look all the choir does all day is sit in an aircon LT and sing sing sing. Hah how slacky is that. Ooh look at rugby it's so physically demanding they train all day and end up sweating tired and aching. those poor boys. how skillful they must be compared to slacker choir pple. Bloody hell just bcos choir isnt as physically intensive doesnt mean it isnt as demanding. if u think physical activity is the most accurate gauge of skill involved then u're sadly immature.
U have absolutely on idea how subtle, how incredibly hard, and how rewarding it is to achieve that special blend, that sparkle of sound in the air where everyone's tone comes together and produces the magic. U have no idea how much teamwork is involved in choir. it's not a case where a strong singer can cover up and compensate for a weak one. the choir is only as good as the weakest singer.
Just a few hertz off, mouth opened a little too big, too much sound spilling out, the wrong tone, placement, vowel, and reveberrating space at the back of your mouth, that's all it takes to utterly destroy the sound everyone is labouring to bring out. U have no idea how much focus and commitment we have to put in.
I dare say each one of us has worked just as hard, if not more, than all your 'manly' ccas, and our wonderful sectional leaders doubly so. i really respect them for that. so just bcos the results we strive towards is not as tangible and not as obvious doesnt mean it isnt there. grow up will u! i'm not asking u to respect choir, i just wish u guys wun be so quick to condemn us. some sec 1s might join us with e attitude in mind that choir is slack, but their delusion certainly gets shattered pretty fast. A few black sheep shouldnt be used to represent the choir as a whole.
Y are stereotypes always so annoyingly twisted. Guys = sports? Guys who sing are gay and wimpy? What utter rubbish! Look at the sec 1s they scream and act gay and talk in funny high pitches and sing in even higher pitches. Puhleese, which other sec 1 doesnt do that. Just bcos slacker sec1s join choir, and the less soft-spoken ones dun dare to cos of ooh Stereotypess, so choir pple r wimps? U think a sportsman cant sing for nuts? Or choir pple cant excel in napfa? Y should u let circumstances define us. Come on la, u're smarter than that. Dun be so quick to jump to assumptions.
I'm really too sick to ramble on anymore. I dun intend to change anything, i know this measly post wun do nothing against irrational emotional conformity. I just need a place to vent. To those whom which this doesnt concern, i'm sorry. To those who think i should go die, go screw yourself. And to the rest, just take it with a pinch of salt ya. I'm not like insanely depressed or anything, u dun have to ask me about my post and pretend to act nice and comforting and everything for the sake of being wad a fren shld be ya. i'm alright, really. just need to unspoken rantings from my system =)
yess, koped frm earthworm's blog from gerard's blog. cheers to you, gerard. he's a damn nice, guy one, so this is really coming frm his heart, lol, can't imaginie this everyday from him =)
i guess in a way i'm better off, cause i've already taken so much of this shit from everyone, parents taking it like it's a utterly useless cca, oldier friends and batchmates(some of them, mind you, there are sane people on this earth, thank goodness) going, aiyah why to f*** u join choir, and younger budds frm church and primary sch and everywhere going, whaaa??? you're in choir? no way.. dun bluff, u in track or bball or what?
so i really dun give a shyt anymore, what you morons think. hi ho dingy. singing rawks mua world.
9:15 am