Wednesday, July 20, 2005
chucking in all the news posts now, haha, at 1.30am.. shdl really be doing my hw, but what the heck.
well, from a current student's observation, trying to be absolutely neutral, one has to admit that the current selection of prefects has come into power, if we may say that, at least partly due to the election and nomination fo students.. also they do undertake certain other important roles in the administration fo the school, such as aiding in the organisation, or organizing idependantly, certain events.. however, the general feeling is still, i must say, that prefects are a separate breed from the comman student, if one may make such a generalization.. the treatment is different; however some may feel that that is justified, so that is most probably not a topic of discussion. however there is a feel that the "prefect race" is one distinct, even to the extent to be compared to the separation between GEP and the Special/Express course.. --> this is the opinion of a current non-prefect member of the enrolement of the Raffles Institution. just to let you know, not GE either, haha fancy language is.. sui generis? perhaps not.. but tt's not pertinant, it it? =P haha, you go to the discussion page for Raffles Institution article in wikipedia, and you see this humongous piece of crap typed in excessively cheem language evaluating the prefectorial board of RI.. done by yours truely =P haha, so that makes me the one who typed the most crap that is not considered spam or flaming on the discussion page of this article? hahaha...
fancy english is cool okae.

1:29 am