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Sunday, July 17, 2005
back, rawr, haven't eaten lunch.. haha..*** yes, another insert. this one after the one below.. i don't know howbi forgot, it was probalby a good thing. but now i remembered again, and i'm not sure anymore that remembering is a bad thing. i think i just want to get it off me, in case.. haiz.. i'm convinced now. i think. ugh.. stop playing with me like i'm some sort of toy. maybe it's my own fault lah, i thinking to much, but what the heck. fine. it's my fault. but i owe you two, you'll get them. =) in jest, those given in a bad mood nt counted. yesyes, inbetween my trips here and there you will get them. haiz.. people are wierd. i'm wierd. i hope somethign works our anyway, but whatever really.. it's not for me to judge, and like i said, you will probably say it's my own fault, blah blah blah.. plenty of people always do.. but i just don't like the way you do that. you know what i'm talking about. just you, and you only. *** going out again to get some specs done, hurhur, my spare was like, crack~ good thing it was my spare, my current pair is still perfetly fine.. but with the rediculous things i do with my specs on, haha, better bao xian, sumore exams coming up.. it's really fun to be with the church peeps.. dunno lah.. mixed feelings, but what am i talking about. it's funn, maybe more so than choir, but i feel more relaxed with the guys in music =) so props are done, i think.. more or less, still got devil's pitchfork and stuff, lol.. haiz i'm so useless, must leave earlier.. otherwise later takesan hour to get back by transferring bus and mrt everywhere.. lol.. budden li jie mei also taking bus horr.. sorry lah! ~~~ hmm.. almost forgot.. taking about friends.. it's like, it's nice to have loads of friends, but sometimes must have one or two or a few friends to just bother, riight? haha.. dunno lah.. sometimes just gotta have one, some people feel. maybe that's why God made such a thing as marriage, and the bonus is that it prevents the human race from becoming extinct! good plan, huh?yea.. but.. hm. dunno how to say this. friends will always be there for you, when you every really need us, we're there for you, you know? maybe it's our fault sometimes, we just assume you don't need us that bad, you can handle it, besides we got stuff to do elsewhere.. but you could tell us? hmm.. but that's not always easy.. haiz.. it hardly ever easy. gotta admit it. budden, just say the word, really. otherwise i'll be kept guessing.. haha.. but speaking for myself, i'm always available, outside school hours, unless there's a competition. X( sorry, but teachers, even the really nice ones like Mrs. Koh want me to be totally focused in choir, nothing will persuade them to let me go except quiting choir, and i doubt they'll let me too, unless i go all mopy and start making the choir sing out of tune no purpose by singing really loud then slowly going out of tune on purpose =P that's the thing about being in bass, you get to control the whole choir's tuning. yea.. so really. call me anytime, i love it when people call me. listening is what i do best, quoth some guy/gal, lol can't remember. too many? nah.. just bad memory.. =P ~~~ er, yea.. homework, still haven't done.. at all.. my chinese teacher was like, completely changed after i came back from overseas trip with the choir and we got gold, category winner summore.. then i went for the chinese week karaoke thing.. her attitude towards choir changed completely.. lol..last time she only know how to keep going on about sportsmen, then say wat, i nt sportsman, shld be working harder in chinese.. riight.. we practice as much as, if not more than those dmb guys kae.. how many hours a week that time? 25 plus minus i think.. then some weeks everyday-whole day during june hols sia.. haiz.. does the power of one's gaze and the strength of one's voice no longer matter? intimidation and defeat lies in the heart, and to control your opponent's heart and mind is to control him or her.. haha.. sounds evil, what control.. but really lah. strenght of the soul and spirit will last longer than whatever strength of the body you can build up, not that it's not impt. what u think i go gym for, i nt in sports cca(still pissed at bball coach guy 3 years back, lol..) kae.. trip report.. lol.. well, let's see. the day i was flying off geof's parents' kindly gave me a lift to the airport, with him oso lah dur. lol, his little bro is very quiet, prob like what i am in church, seems quiet but just needs the right environment for him to let go. hmm.. yea, then got there, only a few people, and we wre like, only 10 min early. called arthur, meeting some friend for dinner, haha.. seems she just landed back into singapore only then he's flying off for 9 days.. aww.. lol.. anyways.. after a while he finally said goodbye to her =) and came over to terminal one, cause we were flying some old dutch airline, KLM. means dutch royale airlines in dutch or something. yea. airport ah, after check in everyone's parent's and bros and sis(es?) all there sia.. haha.. jorel chan kwok yeong's mom and sis were there, haha.. v sweet family, lol.. his sis looks a little like meiyi, haha.. yea.. yala yala, jealous okae? bare with me.. yea, then four of us messed around lorh, they all want to go up to the place to see the aircraft upstairs, forgot what it's called. then take photo,i was like, =.="", take photo here for what?? save your memory space for over there lah! yea.. then after tt we went back down.. ahha.. geof jorel and me, quite a bunch, lol. sad arthur has left for perth liaoz, left yesterday morning.. =( couldn't send him off cause of stupid open house.. yea.. oh, and i found out jorel is actually the name of superman's father, supposedly? lol.. so superman's father was a small man, all the muscles donated to superman, lol.. yea, then boarded plane. tacky, but nice. haha. watched some dumb mr. bean stuff on the flight, lol. didn't really sleep much, i just can't sleep on planes much. kae lah.. continue tmr. want to go out soon, just pasted 2 new posters in my room, hurhur.. graphical one, pun isn't pun-ny if you don't see the pic, so hurhur, someday when i'm bored i'll take photo and paste up here =) XP buaiz...... 5:23 pm |