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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
` tmr suddenly cancelled... then they still say want to cancel bowling party summore. aya. dun care. joel arthur and a bunch of us dun care the com already, just go. got com meeting summore at 3.30, i think i go and crash oso lah. hahaa.. oh. adrian will be there. forget it. today school totally waste time lah.. work exposure programme, wanted to go for the journalism thing, budden dunno where to sign up, then cannot find arnold ask him go with me, then more fun. so didn't lorh. sianz. lots of ppl will probably be going, so camp in june won't be so fun. nvmind lah, go and kajiao the sec ones and twos.. haiz~ today bob koh public caning. good lah, bob koh, this is your first contribution to the school. cane a sec 4Q student. i oso duneed to tell you what the school has to say about you. lol.. so ironic. from 4Q. hm. tt's also adrian's class. nowadays after exam, no mood to do anything lah.. brain dead, do everything oso dead one. haiz... feel so.. disillusioned. well, not exactly.. lol` hopping around the net, reading random stuff. interesting things happen around the place.. hm. people are seriously weird. i wonder how God keeps from either laughing perpetually or boiling up and destroying this stupid world. haa.. only by His grace. you are a funny, sad little girl. i dunno. maybe i shouldn't try to judge you, but it seems i already did; and it was a misjudgment. sigh... feel really felt to bluffed. is that all that matters to you in your life? is there no more meaning to your existence than doing *that*, and causing so many boys and girls misery? it may not seem that way.. but you always seemed so nice. so really didn't want to say anything. but i see things in s new light... i really should stop now. i'll have to just stop and watch and not say anything for the time.. it's probably not my place to, yet. but that's not the point.. *~sighxX.. anyway...bob koh was going on about the PSC scholars, and whatever scholars, who got into the news lately; the racist one, or the bribe one, whatever. rambling on and on, until he suddenly shut himself up. bob koh... i think he's a man of good sense lah. otherwise he wld never have gotten this far so quickly. for one thing, none of the students gave a hoot about the PSC or the guy who supposedly tried to bribe the SAF guy. personally, i think that it's completely ridiculous, a single offer mentioned only once in a light, casual situation can hardly be considered a bribe. unless he insisted or repeated his request, or it was in some formal setting. but that's beside the point. nobody really cares if these people "tarnish the school name"; not even 99% of the staff, i'd bet. cause it doesn't really. secondly, he must have realised he was going on, and on, and on. like some, teacher. scolding people. yeesh.. if you have half a brain, you will remember teachers scolding you when you were a student, and frankly if you really care about your students, even if you think your reprimanding is justified, you will have some sort of.. nostalgia, no? remember the stupid, irritated feeling. so he shut up. i dunno why i think this is the reason he shut up; it could just be the first. but i think there's more to bob koh than simply just robotic logical thinking, no matter how it seems. not that i'm going soft on him. the school isn't too impressed with MOE taking away our fantastic Mr. Wong and replacing him with bob koh, who hasn't done too much lately. but we just have to give him some time, i guess. blogs. about them. something from a friend's blog. the fact is, i couldn't have said it better myself. they keep on going, "oh, we'll give you a chance, don't report to police, don't take you to court. " they truth is, they really have nothing to go by!? they cannot win a lawsuit against us, if we even bother to have one against them, it will be the whole school behind the student who is charged, and noone behind the school, because the teachers will not want to get involved as far as possible, the students don't want to appear to be betrayers, and thus the only people who will appear on the scene are students for the one who is charged. the only problem is that it's a waste of money having a lawsuit, but shouldn't be a problem if the school insists. you people can mock RI boys, saying what, high IQ, low EQ no CQ. blehh. you don't know a thing. what, you think you are a minister then you have the right to judge us? i have no idea whether or not you are an old RI boy, but you most certainly do not know the current situation in our community. if anyone will dare to rise up against one of our number, rest assured that we will retaliate with a force unstoppable to squish your outrageous accusations. we have our morals. if we know what your doing is wrong, and even worse, it actually affects us or our fellows(call us selfish, that's just the way we are as a brotherhood), you will be crushed. they keep on going on about how RI is about the rafflesian family. i tell you, it's nothing of the sort. now isolated from RGS, we are a brotherhood. call us ignorant; not everyone is very informed on the situation in our sister school, but if there's a need i believe we can rise to meet whatever we have to, as both brothers and sisters, as well as students in a community. we don't have too many similarities, but we are branded rafflesian, we suffer the same accusations, are under the same biases, have the same privileges or disadvantages, however you choose to see it. the teachers hardly play a prominent role. not nowadays. not in our schools. out of the staff, there are a select few who many students love and respect, not because they have to, but because these people have earned it. there's no need to name them: we all know very well. these people may not be that well known to everyone, but for the respect our fellows have for them, even through our ignorance we gain a new respect for these people, through the trust in our fellows' judgement. it's not true that you have to be a great man to become loved. in fact, i might go so far as to claim the opposite.. the boy who was caned was so punished for supposedly hacking into a teacher's account and posting "insulting remarks" and a poll that from my information, has something to do with his hair. this information is questionable; but either way, there is something that i am aware of, personally. that is that, the vast majority of the teachers have not undertaken to change their passwords to the portal which the student entered using a teacher's account. this includes the teacher whose account was entered, according to my sources. unfortunately or otherwise, i did not witness the er, event. such incredible stupidity on the teacher's part is unforgivable. you choose to play the role of the devil; tempting students to take action to mock you. furthermore, you are well aware of many students' opinion toward your teaching methods and way of treating students. to top it all off, you were informed by many students, whether or not you noticed, that your account was not properly locked. since you bother to check student's blogs to see how we have been making fun of you, and publicising this event of mockery towards you on our blogs, why did your eyes choose to censor, overlook this detail that so intricately involves you? thus, you have caused the implication of many students in such unpleasant demonstrations such as today's; many more students who have undertaken such erm, activities, but have chosen to use the teacher's account in a more obscure manner, are left to run free; and still, 98% of the teacher's accounts have the same password as their username, and this is a fact that the general student population is aware of. it is only through sheer discipline and moral courage, or otherwise a result of not caring about what happens to you, that the students have not completely flooded the portal with such "obscene" messages, as a member of the staff described it. and yet you have the cheek to question our discipline? to doubt our moral courage? my fellows have greater that any one of you cowards on the staff, now that two of your number whom i respected most, Mr. Wong and Mr. Leong Wei Shin have left, the feeling in increased. the gangs of china laugh at your idea of discipline. 10:49 pm |