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Saturday, April 23, 2005
okae... now i'm back... sorry about the last time.. haha.. always spouting so much crap. anyways. the com is now in the middle of the living room, so my mom is constantly trying to get me off it, no matter what i'm doing. like, whatever.ah. dun care. anyways, just to briefly run thru all the general stuff... hw is normal(total and complete madness), tests are coming(in two weeks!?) despite the "thru train programme" where there supposedly aren't any "mid years" and "end-of-year papers." yeah right. they just gave them another name. "Common Test 1" and "Common Test 2". okae... like, formalities, whatever... recently loads of charity work going on... earth day, and MINDS carnival, and ORA jogathon and crap... seriously... all these "charity" organizations receive millions of dollars yearly from government organizations alone... most notably, the military... MINDS is the Singapore Armed Forces' sole charity beneficiary... correct me if i'm wrong... that's the navy, army and air force holding various activities year-long to collect funds for them... and on top of that, there's some monthly donation from each defense sector as a whole. i think. hm.. recently got some nice stuff...haha... the year so far being "recently"... got my T630i and ipod shuffle... already dropped countless times, even my phone has had a some chips on the side from where i dropped it when running one morning... haha... then shuffle... completely covered in scratches >.< haha... waiting for shuffle stick-on skins to come out... then can just paste different one over any time! hoho... cover all the scratches.. seen some nice ones already.. just not for sale in Singapore yet. on a side note, my hair is no longer rediculously short. cheers. just a bit more and perfect length. hoho.. lol. i have no idea why i suddenly thot abt this~ well... as you might have noticed... changed my blog template... cause recently, my sleeping hours have been really erratic.. cause of work and training... haha.. don't like to run when there's loads of ppl walking around, so run my 3km in e morning, around 5 on friday and saturday.. okae digressing already.. *lol* anyways.. haha.. like this e blog got more space and thus, easier to read super long posts, which i predict will be more common.. cause nowadays v little time to blog, and loads of stuff happening.. anyways... shld have noticed if you actually come here consistently... haha.. whoever you are... yea.. so now, no more tagboard, no more links... hoho... sooo... for those right.. go my other portal filled with loads of crappy stuff.. ahhaa... you shdl know where it is right... hmm... dunno ah... *slap you ah... here lah.. been reading my blog. haha. cause now i made it show all the entries on one page. for some reason. haha... no seriously, i don't know why. okae. like. why shld there even be a reason. nvmind. anyways... it's quite interesting you know. realize how much mood swings i've been having... haha... i'm such an emotional guy =) =( =\ = hahahaha... anyways. it's quite nice being so emotionalthingimajiggy. write some nice meaningful stuff when possessed by these feelings. haha... it's good. always feel better after... and it's starting to look good for my studies.. haha... during term one out of 7 chinese compo i only handed in one.. so my chinese teacher gave me zero(GERO! hahaa~!) for everything else... then this term right... the first compo i write... such a nice topic.. "_____ de4 lian2 xiang3". so i write, "dong1 tian1 de4 lian2 xiang3"... just sit there and write my feelings all out.. haha... when write with your heart, it really all just flows out.. and i found i had not enuff time, not even for a hurried ending... so it was very abrupt, i think. didn't even have time to see, teacher just kopped it away from me when time was up. then right... haha... who knew, the next lesson right.. she just came in only right.. suddenly commented(in chinese lah, i can't be bothered to write all the han yu pin yin, and haven't installed chinese software into this com yet... haha... yea, after so long..) "i finished marking all the zhuo wen that you wrote last lesson already.. surprisingly one of yours has been chosen for the competition..(yea, that one was meant for a competition.. and normally higher chinese ppl's zhuo wen is better for competition... right?) you all might be surprised... but it's zhuang kai tong xue's compo has been chosen"(pardon my pathetic translation) haha... yea... see me, so pro right >.< okae head swelling liaoz =P chinese is really very nice actually... just that it seems so hard.. i always dedicated more time, since primary school to the subjects i thot i cld do better in... namely science and english at that time.. cause i just came back from california few years ago, so english stil relatively uncorrupted =P and science is primary school is soo general-knowledge-ish... haha.. super easy compared to sec sch science... tt's why i'm screwing it up completely now. anyways.. east asia is so totally the place to be... we had such a beautiful culture before the western ppl came here... well.. it's inevitable, and they've undoubtedly helped us make us what we are today, both economically and culturally... but there are still untouched places and souls out there... real beautiful stuff. people who think they're stupid, but are actually some of the wisest... ppl who think they are poor and lonely... but are really have the greatest riches the world can afford them... all that is lacking is the wealth of Christ... why should all these greatppl be lost to the rest of us, bound for heaven? it just doesn't seem fair, sometimes... we're ignorant.. corrupted by only ourselves... ppl can't turn to the Lord, cause they're so blinded... cause of the real world, they refuse to belive in anything anymore.. except themselves.. why must these ppl be doomed to eternity in hell.. i've just got to do what i can to change this... ppl around us, everywhere, just don't understand how many ppl love them. you may not know, you may not even know we exist, but crud, we love you soo much. society seems so hard and unfeeling, but tt's just society as a whole as we know it. there are individuals around you who you may not even know, who care about you. never say life is empty, life is meaningless. you just don't know the meaning. pls.. just open up and let ppl come to you. it's not so easy for us you know.. i'm afraid to intrude.. i'm afraid of coming so suddenly, when in the past i may have appeared so indifferent.. okae. i have to stop here. hahaa... so stupid. i wanted to place all these stuff in another portal jsut for my rants on general nothingnessness.. so here's the link... more of these wonderful crap, as you've seen in my extremly long preview *lol* The portal is still empty tho.. shall fill it up after lunch. crud... how am i supposed to finish my assignments and chinese and bio proect with so much other stuff i have to do... okae... suddenly realized that cause of all my >.< tt i type normally instead of in HTML code, huge chunks of my posts are disappearing... bleh... stupid blogspot, dunno how to convert code yourself. anyways. i forgot what i had said in between here ^ and there v. so heck care >.< =P okae.. basically.. i think i've found where i want to go. briefly... i've found my path. thank you Lord, i'll work towards this path now. help me help others find their paths... cause it's so painful seeing the people i love suffer in such difficult times... with turmoil in their hearts and minds... i've been freed from my own doubts and troubles, Lord, only cause you led me through. help me help others Lord. please. off to me portal ~! time to post all over the net after being away for so long. yep.. really love ya all. there are ppl i don't even know.. seriously... but i just can't help feeling for them. i think i'm imagining things. but somehow.. a little bit of you just leaks out of your face, you know? for some reason... i see you walking on the street... just once, or ever so often, even every day... and i feel for you. i care. love. i've been talking to birds lately. i must be going mad. well, not talking per sae.. but somehow they make me feel something. not just any of them either. the mynahs. haha... i'm starting to imagine things... shan't go into it and make a fool of myself... but i'll just let my feelings guide me, eh? seems they're all i can trust, and the Lord's word, nowadays. my senses fail me... kaekae. post was supposed to end two, no three paragraphs ago. off i go~ 10:58 am |