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Saturday, April 30, 2005
brr.i need brain maintenance. copied all the chinese text onto 作文纸 this morning... yeesh. i'm so slow. took me three hours to copy out a couple thousand characters... lol. anyways... headache. oww. erms... had lunch, bento, yumm. erms.. yea. then here i am. haa.. slacking too much nowadays... not only in studies either.. haiz. feeling so bad. both ways. lol.. wellll... tests next week.. hope after em sch will be more... relaxed. so can pon some days.. lol. haiz.. so many stuff put aside to do sch. but already put aside so much sch stuff to do other stuff... lol.. it's a vicious cycle. whatever... "向来以为你一直都很安全... 哪知就在那么一瞬间失去了你.. 你把我单独留在这世上, 城市似乎沉默在永恒冬天中。在那浅灰色的环境中, 整个世界好像失去了她的温暖, 她的爱心... 她是不是像你一样, 抛弃了我呢..? 我知道你已去到一个更好的地方, 可是我还是浅浅地埋怨着... 为什么你不把困难告诉我, 为什么把心事都藏起来.. 不是说好, 无论遇到什么困境, 都一人一半... 为什么你愿自己受苦, 最后一声不响地, 撑不住了, 就那样倒了... 或许是我的错.. 没多陪伴你, 注意你... 或许.. 我其实没有我们想像的那么珍惜你... 或许如果你没有和我在一起, 如果我们从来没有遇见, 你还会在这世上... 但是说来说去, 在这时候才想这些, 已经太迟了... 我在繁华都市的生命中绕着圈圈, 想找回你给我的那让我感到生命变得实在太完美了, 那样只有知道一个人爱你, 而你也爱她可给的感觉。是, 我是自私, 但在这种情况下, 我真的不再知道怎么做了... 我找到了我唯一的爱, 而她却在一瞬间被神带走了... 我无法再思索了, 无法再操作.. 我想,在这时刻, 我唯一可做的是为耶稣过着我剩下的时光, 做我必须的,祈祷他会让我早一点回到你、他的身边.. 在天国, 我只希望你能给我你的祝福... 真的很希望不必在这世上一只受苦.. 我知道神一直会在我身旁, 但人终需要他人陪伴着.. 无论是朋友还是另一个她, 我知道我们终会有一天会在天堂结合的。 就等着我吧。在耶稣的身旁, 我们能度过着永远..." ... ... nice to know you all. 3:16 pm Friday, April 29, 2005
haa.. today was fun, in a crazy, wrong sort of way. chinese project was due today... lol stayed up till 4am, then gave in to temptation and fell asleep on the couch.. lol. anyways... the interesting thing was, nobody handed in at all... in fact, i don't think anyone else even started, cause they were all begging teacher to extend the deadline by two weeks =.=" even stuart. and if you konw him... frmo SJI, shuper mugger. haa.anyways... the bottom line is, teach said no, everyone got pissed off and some guys started scolding her in english... haiz lol so bad. she's fromchina, shanghai or something. not beijing anyways, i thot so at first. she's like, goodness knows what age, doing chinese majors in Singapore. lol. so spoken and hearing english not so good. so baad. leong kok weng went berserk today with his... unusual quotables. lol. it's like... hilarious. lol. "Marco, what's your name?", "You are asking stupid questions. Stand at the back.", "Feng Shuo, stop laughing. You look so happy.", "Please don't laugh if a teacher asks you to pay attention" lol. he kept the class in a perpectual bout of laughter... hahaa, even some stuff tt really wasn't tt funny cld set us off. lol. hilarious. the best one had to be when he tried to draw a picture of a pregnant lady having an ultrasound scan... lol ![]() lol.. we were going, wah, baby in a bicep har? hahaaahaa.... erms.. then was math... math generally quite screwed lah, but not tt bad. lol we're quite bad to all da teachers, but math generally we jsut screw around relatively quietly, then teacher oso dun care. nothing to tok abt then we start doing e math questions and asking math teach a crapload of questions. lol.. so it's like, one moment it's almost as if toking to just a few seriously hardworking guys, then next moment a whole bunch of ppl asking him questions abt stuff. english is worst lah, i have to say.. haiya, regina wallabados(vallabados or something), totally cannot control the class. it's even worse in english than in lit(she takes my class for both subjects, FYI). today was like, everyone yelling their heads off trying to talk to people across the classroom, including her. dunno what she's trying to do lah.. anyways, was totally and complete madness. bell rang, i got lost. lol. cannot tahan. i mean, beginnign of e day still quite fun, budden after sho much crap, seriously tired liaoz. summore only slept one hour. ~~~ lol, something funny happened today. we were talking during math about com games lah, and i was saying, nothing worth playing liaoz, haven't played anything in the longest time, cept CS2 and CS when go out lan-ing.. then straightaway got ppl try to convince me to play certain games liaoz... lol. Conquer online is one bunch of ppl.. but i say, downloaded before... but cannot install! after installation, the autopatch starts downloading... a 400mb patch. 0.0 like, okae... the setup was only like, 45mb?? lol... anyways. halfway through patching it always hangs, so i gave up. then there was Diablo 2.. lol.. there's where the odd thing happened. me ah, always so full of crap... they talked abt diablo 2, straightaway think of the wierd things connected to diablo 2. lol. wen Jun. he actually plays diablo 2. lol... wen jun is like..king of muggers... well some wld say queen, but i wldn't go there. when you piss him off, which is actually quite hard to do, unless it's something real sensitive, he starts doing, erm, unusual stuff. hahaa.. yea. anyways... the guys went like, WHAT? wen jun plays diablo 2?? then they all like, shifted camp over to his table and started asking him stuff... lol.. sorry~! hahaa... after tt, he was like, err friedemann, how did you know ah? lol.. actualy i'm not to sure either.. hahaaa.. >.< hm.. on tt note, wen jun is losing muscle mass. hoho. only ppl like me, so free will notice this kind of things one.. lol~ it's seriously unfair, actually... genetics is sho unfair.. haaa... he just slacks around all day, and he's reasonably strong, used to be able to beat all but 2 of the judo kahs at arm wrestling, and can do a reasonable pace at 3km. lol. handkercheif guy. hahaa.. another thing is, his voice will probably break soon. its inevitable really... lol.. he's not the kind like Zhao Feng or Jing Zhong, sec four already still have a shuper power soprano voice, tho the tone is seriously old-woman voice. quite. haa... and he doesn't really train his speaking voice when it comes to singing... sings stephanie sun songs and stuff... lol. whatever... sometimes we really take stuff for granted lah... certain things, we're just blessed with it frmo birth, or in a certain environment, then it's like,, just ignore it, think it'll stay with us forever... well, maybe somethings will, but certain things.. you really have to work hard to stay where you are. don't even make me go to going higher up. hahaa.. not toking abt me. me, already shuper last, bottom of the form... lol. seriously. if count the semester's average score for all subjects, i wld most certainly be the bottom of the level. the only subjects i can actually say i did okae in are english and literature... and those are like... haa... really, it's just based on common usage. as with all languages. and reading i guess... soo... failed math, physics this term, in the least... hopefully not chinese. new resolution... gonna do chinese like mad for the rest of the year, pull up my grade... only fot 1.6GPA for chiense the previous term.. hope i do okae in the test next wednesday. hahaa... on that note, tt day is David's bdae as well. lol. after tests for the entire of next week, as usual RI comes up with some dumb post-exam thing to bug us when we just want to collapse from all the... stuff. this time it's some career guidance thing... haa.. go all th way back to when i was a wee child.. hahaa... my mom said i wanted to be a garbage man. like. =.=""""""" okae..... that was in US. hahaa.. no inkling here, but she says tt tt time, see the garbage guy come and hook up the dumpster to the truck, pull a lever and dump al the rubbish in, then press a button to squish it in.. lol so cooL~ hahaaa.. facinated by the simplest of things.. or are they? then came the breif period i wanted to sing. like.. hahaaa.. yea, another wierd aspiration. but seiously... it was something i was considering. but.. facing the facts, i'm not a music or even arts student. i regret that now. i had a chance to go back to sec 1 to make the choice again at this point, i wld have signed up for art. haaa.. why art? cause now.. after considering music, i'm more interested in architecture. music... singing, is really the one true thing i love to do... i try to do it professionally-like, too, haaa.. it's just my training. accuracy of pitch , expression and all the whatnot. but unlike a lot of ppl i know, including the execrable Toh, i pay more attention to expression... hahaa.. i believe that if the pitch is just in tune to a certain extent, then it's quite good enough, really.. cause tho trained ppl like us can tell thedifference, the general public really can't tell... and if you concentrate too much on tuning and such stuff, neglecting the expression and interpretation stuff, your music will seem very... stiff. forced. lacking emotion.. i believe that music should be an outlet for your emotions and feelings... it's not true that you're expression is confinde to what song you're singing. i can be doing a supposedly happy song with the choir, but sometimes(most times, really) i'm just irritated and pissed off at Toh, so expression changes completely to the opposite. express yourself. ~~~ haha.. it's 9.16 at this moment, i'm going out for some tennis... parents just came back, i actually booked the cuort from 9-10.. lol. i really suck at it, but it's such a cool game.. i just want someone to return my balls. haaa.. but my dad is mad, keep hitting so frikkin hard, always hit out one. but it't what i have, and unless someone else is willing to come regualrly to play with me, i'll try and learn what i can... lol.. how to play with mad tennis players. hahaa... oh well. excuse me. be right back to continue at 10. hahaa... i take such the longest time just to finish one post when i'm blogging.. lol. ~~~ well. i'm back. hahaa. gonna have to suggest to management to finda place for a half court or something. blehh.. hopeless... need some bball to boost ego, lol. blehh. who wil play with me... common tests coming. whatever... fine. week after next. ah. nothing to say liaoz... gotta go finish up my chinese project thing. so tt at least i can say tt i've done something this weekend... lol... cause otherwise must go and read up for tests. i feek like i'm going to have to learn the past 3 months' work all over again, i can't remember anything, lol. 'cept maybe some bio stuff. math and physics... ugh. totally cannot remember all those formulas and crap. tt's what computer is made for =) well... saturday will disappear real fast... soo.. better hop to it. buaiz.. 8:34 pm Tuesday, April 26, 2005
haha... today was wierdness. maybe as wierd as yesterday. i don't quite remember >.< haa... no really.well.. today i slept in class like. a lot. through the entire lit and social studies, almost... lol. only after PE.. yea.. anyways. was soo bored tt i wrote a short verse about the stuff. tt is. wierd. and has been happening. or so i think. imagine. whatever.
hahaa... is that warped or is tt warped. anyways... today was just wierd. the first person was as. unusual. never saw until after. i never saw the second person at all. or so i think. people are everywhere, really... sometime.. curosity overwhelmes. sometimes fear. these feelings.. they drive us to do things. wierd things. sometimes... we're so affected that even to ourselves.. our behavior is getting more and more.. peculiar... so like. i dunno. yea. tt person... cld have been anywhere. on a passing bus, car, or simply left even earlier, or later. reason... who knows. not i. anyways... PE is totally warped. i so cannot play volleyball. my hitting is just warped. they keep saying, i play like i'm playing tennis liddat. but the good thing is... once in a while my stroke can receive a good hard spike and send it back... haha.... so good lorh. when it happens. but otherwise.. i can't just cant serve properly... yepp, tennis, as they say... cant set it up properly, and most definitely not tall enuff to spike. heck. there was a time when 171 was tall. but now... yeesh. ppl around me are all shooting up. even gals. haha... must buck up... lol on that note.. hah. can't wait to change to basketball module. then can play well... the only ppl who wld be better than me, probably, wld be gerard and darryl. like, so dur, gerard is like, over 180, an darryl is a frikkin muscular dunnowhattocallhim, tho he's shorter than me... and their both on the bball team. so... haha.. we'll see. i've been catching up on my shooting. random thots on tt topic.. darryl is seriously insane lah.. he started weights training from P4 until sec1. then he stopped. that period must be the best time to train or something, cause he hasn't done weights training for two years, just regular bball, and he can trash just abt anyway arm wrestling. like.. okae. cept bong. but bong is.. genes lah. not tt darryl isn't... ppl can train like, so much, yet weakling muck lah... lol. yala. >.< another problem is. i've been playing with a 9pounder bball. which is like, two pounds of air heavier than regular. tt time gerrard took it and he was like, eh, why this ball so heavy. in other words... my shooting will be warped with a normal ball. i think. so i wanna find someexcuse to go buy me a standard regulations 7pounder bball... a nice one. haha... David was saying, he wanna learn bball. i was like, okae. he's 7. and 120cm. or something like that. dunno. maybe shorter, maybe taller. i dunno. but he can't even bounce yet.. haha... maybe i expect too much lah. he's just a primary one, for crying out loud. my mom was like, no. you better don't teach him bball. blah blah, no place to play(my condo has no bball court, for sakes. of all sports... not even a half-court... not even the slightest sign of a net), you'll get him breaking everything in the house with the ball, make loads of noise, blah blah blah. so heck. his bdae is coming, 4th of may, and i'm just gonna say, get him a bball, and let him bounce first. can bounce properly than talk about other stuff... yea.. so looking for a chance to go shopping. haha... i dunno. feels wierd to go out and buy stuff. lol.. i'm crazee. so i'm waiting for some outing, so got ppl go lot1 and bbp with me... wanna buy tt bball, new waterbottle, couple of sweatbands for my handphone... stuff. and lol yea, by the time i actually go out, wld prob be about time to start looking for a place tt sells e thing i have in mind for danne's bdae prezzie. haha... i really want to get a bank account. before i do tt, i'm going to have a job.. resolution thingy i made. cause there's so much stuff i want to get.. for like, so long. the only thing stopping me is, don't know where to buy, or nobody go wif me.. haha... wierded out. online... just ebay, or search online for e shop. most likely have one. yea.. so if i had a way to pay for things online, wld like, prob go and spend half of whatever pathetic savings i have left(around hundred odd after the last month of saving.. yet to pay off another loan installment for the choir germany competiton trip..). therefore my resolution. haha.. tt's one thing i haven't broken. blahh.. feeling very wierd nowadays.. ppl are changing, i'm changing. and ppl are wierding me out cause i am. either it's my parents who keep kicking me in the rear cause of various stuff, or... it's other stuff. erm. yea. it's just very screwed, quite. realised i forgot to clarify... yes. i have been watching the mynahs again. i'm completely warped. hahahaha... overusing danne's word liaoz. okae.. dunno what else to say lah.. think i said quite a lot liaoz, so.. yepps.. buaiz for nows. 5:23 pm Monday, April 25, 2005
haha... realized that when i just sit and type, i end up using loads of [dot dot dot] and my grammar becomes seriously erratic.. lol.nvmind. anyways... today started off really weird. i got this feeling that like... ppl were, avoiding me or something. hm... shan't elaborate on my daily morning routine, but today i went off to sch quite a bit earlier than usual. haha.. actually 15 min. but just before peak hours, 15 min makes a big difference kaes... anyways.. there are just ppl you pay attention to when you go around the place, you know. ppl who always seem to be there. or most of the time. haha. i'm using "you" again. okae. the point is... today these two ppl. i noticed. haha. i'm just being stupid. they were like. different. somehow. blehh. shld i say. hmmm. well lets just say the first was somewhere else... i thot i was just earlier, but then i saw tt person later. after i got off the MRT. so like. okae. am i doing things to ppl around me unconsciously. lol are ppl starting to think I'm a second variation of daniel or something... lol... scary. kick me hard where it hurts if i am. it's for the best. anyways... later nearer to sch, it was like. the other person was like. hurrying. to go to the MRT. hmm... and like. i dunno. hahahahah just get the feeling ppl i don't even know are avoiding me. haha. ain't a crazee. today.. at tt spot i always see a bunch of bird just sitting around doing nothing. there were 4. hahah. and they just sat there and walked around. unlike like, previously. they wld hop around... doing something else. hahaha.., something was different today. there were more of them, or something. yeah.. i think so. before there were fewer.. i think? hahahaha... i'm crazy. what, reading the omens? lol.. what omens.. i dunno. reading too much paulo coelho stuff i think.. haha... but his books are really good. and i don't mean the stuff tt ppl nowadays seem to be looking for in books... suspense, storyline etc. i mean. i think it's quite good, but that's not the point. it seems to... make a lot of sense. really. and just seems really meaningful. i just read 'the alchemist' a while ago. okae... a month plus actually. i think, it's really tt book that has helped me realize something... i was really worked up about making my life work out... a career that i both enjoyed and was like.. i don't know.. "good enough"? haha... seems so stuck up. i can't quite see what i was thinking at that point of time right now.. hahaha... what he said, somehow.. made me start thinking. if i enjoyed what i did in life, if i was happy, what did it matter what was "good enough"? what was i even thinking about, anyway? isn't being happy the most anyone cld wish for? i think it wld be for me. if i cld be absolutely happy, i mean. complete satisfaction. no..? hahaa... kind of obvious, isn't it. but people's actions nowadays... just doesn't seem to work towards this goal. of making themselves happy. everything tt God wants us to do... really is for us to be happy... thou shalt not kill... it's not so much to restrict us from killing... but rather, to restrict others from being allowed to kill us... thou shalt not steal... likewise... and thou shall have no other Gods beside Me..? that wld just make God mad... cause we're not acknowledging Him for all He has done for us... and we don't really want Him to be mad at us, do we? like i said. everything tt i cld image having in this life... it's purely for this purpose. think carefully, really. sometimes, we're so disillusioned by the desires of others, and the happiness that they seem to have obtained from what they had gained, we start to think that these are the things that can make us happy. or something like that. haha... i'm no philosopher or psychologist = if i had three wishes... to be honest, i wldn't know what to wish for. there are too many things. as anyone wld say. lol. but... wishes are so specific. you really have to wish for exactly what you wish. i wish everyone i love could be with me in heaven when God calls us home... but tt's really not possible, is it... cause this kind of thing.. it's up to the people themselves to decide... furthermore.. there are probably loads of ppl i wld get to know and love if i only had the time to really know everyone in the world.. but that's just one thing. despite all my desires for God and friends for heaven, in the end i'm a boy. i'm a guy. i'm human. this time on earth.. i want to live it the happiest i can. that wld mean so many things.. to get to know as many ppl as i cld... everyone, personally, as close friends... but tt alone is so difficult.. and of course for all these people to be happy.. haha.. for them to have everything they wanted. for me to be able to personally provide them with everything they wld need or want. to be able to be with all of them at the same time.. together. haha... people always have dreams. sometimes they're big dreams. sometimes they're not so big. sometimes they seem so impossible... sometimes it seems like it's just within reach.. but yet you just can't seem to just reach out and get it.. as a child i had a dream. born in america... i had two neighbors... two tanned teenage guys.. most definitely more than 5 years older than me. sometimes they wld ask my mom to take me out just to the open area outside near the houses.. haha... i still can remember one item they dumped me on a skateboard and pushed me down a slope. yep.. right into a bush. hahaa.. so sitcom-ish. but no... seriously... but i also heard loads of stuff from them... they wld chat with each other, of course, when i was around. sometimes i just heard them somewhere, goodness knows where, yelling to each other,, when i was in the house. haha... it's a mystery i can remember this. but they spoke of really weird stuff.. yet seemed so wonderful. can't quite remember what exactly.. but they spoke of huge dark attics, treehouses ever so high up, animals with them, so many kinds... i had dreams of my own. i don't remember from my times in CA... i remember from when i came back. when i came mom tells me, the first thing i commented was, "why is it so hot here?" or something along those lines... hahaa.. but at that age, just after coming back, i dreamed of going back. Monterey was by the sea... a coastal town. yet i never actually saw the sea that i always heard was just behind the great forest of conifers behind our house.. i imagined a great dock, and loads of people.. wld have my own place, and a jack Russell. hhaha... always adored those dogs as a kid. now.. i don't quite know. hm. wld have a real big patch... all the way from the sea, where i cld just sail out any time; a rocky shore on one side, a great beach on another.. haha... dreams. a great big little area... have a patch for planting stuff.. i wld have planted stuff. haha. don't quite know what, really. hey.. i was a kid. when i mentioned conifers.. i really saw them as "trees that looked like the Christmas tree". i'm no child genius, and i'm not some ridiculous madman. but i wld have had rabbits. hahaha.. with a jack Russell? lol.. dunno. but a great hutch.. and a patch on a gentle slope. a kind of hillside. hahahahahha... now i think abt it.. how wld there be a hill so conveniently and horribly near to the coast itself? hm... haha. okae.. nevermind. yeesh, i typed a lot of crap. but what i wanted to say(i think. after typing so much...) was... that book made me remember times i tried to forget before. cause it really felt weird. the people i knew.. haha.. they were either Singaporeans, born and bred, completely and utterly, or they were these horribly cool dude and dudettes that like, totally grew up in the US or aussie or something, that came back as teens... haha.. dunno why i thot like that. but it just made me feel weird. okae... digressing. but that book helped me remember when i actually dreamed purely cause that was what i wanted. for no other reason... that was what i had wanted.. haha... okae. nvmind. but now.. as Paul said.. as a child, i spoke as a child, thought as a child.. now as a man, i put away childish things... haha... okae. a man. anyways... childish, but not child-like... i guess you could say i was forced to think: what do i really want now? with this life, that i know, erm, considerably better now? with this world that i am now familiar with? i wld like to side with philosophers who say, forget the limitations of the world, just know what you want and go for it regardless of what the world seems to tell you... but seriously... there are always hard and fast limitations. like... i wld never have had the chance to own the place of my dreams unless i worked for many year, and wasted my childhood.. as from that book, i realized that tt wasn't all... after having another job, other commitments... there were talents i wld be forced to gain in order to achieve my dream. i might get.. attached to my newfound talents. familiar with the things i have been doing so long, i might be afraid to venture out and truly fulfil my dream.. i might even, like the crystal salesman, no longer want to fulfil my dream. just to dream. i don't want to become like that guy. i want to keep dreaming... but someday, i will fulfil my dream. cause my dream is not a destination.. it's a process. my dream is to live my life in a certain way... which i think i won't elaborate now... lol. like, wow, look how much i've typed... lol. kae... right now u might have two reactions lah. like, finally... or, aw dang. why stop at this part. haha.. why did i say tt. hm no idea. if you actually made it this far, i shld be quite happy right? hahaha... yea... just want to say... share something tt i think i've learnt, generally, through this short span of time through which after much thought, i think i've found myself, and what i have to do. you have to keep dreaming. or you'll never have any dreams to come true. 8:44 pm Saturday, April 23, 2005
okae... now i'm back... sorry about the last time.. haha.. always spouting so much crap. anyways. the com is now in the middle of the living room, so my mom is constantly trying to get me off it, no matter what i'm doing. like, whatever.ah. dun care. anyways, just to briefly run thru all the general stuff... hw is normal(total and complete madness), tests are coming(in two weeks!?) despite the "thru train programme" where there supposedly aren't any "mid years" and "end-of-year papers." yeah right. they just gave them another name. "Common Test 1" and "Common Test 2". okae... like, formalities, whatever... recently loads of charity work going on... earth day, and MINDS carnival, and ORA jogathon and crap... seriously... all these "charity" organizations receive millions of dollars yearly from government organizations alone... most notably, the military... MINDS is the Singapore Armed Forces' sole charity beneficiary... correct me if i'm wrong... that's the navy, army and air force holding various activities year-long to collect funds for them... and on top of that, there's some monthly donation from each defense sector as a whole. i think. hm.. recently got some nice stuff...haha... the year so far being "recently"... got my T630i and ipod shuffle... already dropped countless times, even my phone has had a some chips on the side from where i dropped it when running one morning... haha... then shuffle... completely covered in scratches >.< haha... waiting for shuffle stick-on skins to come out... then can just paste different one over any time! hoho... cover all the scratches.. seen some nice ones already.. just not for sale in Singapore yet. on a side note, my hair is no longer rediculously short. cheers. just a bit more and perfect length. hoho.. lol. i have no idea why i suddenly thot abt this~ well... as you might have noticed... changed my blog template... cause recently, my sleeping hours have been really erratic.. cause of work and training... haha.. don't like to run when there's loads of ppl walking around, so run my 3km in e morning, around 5 on friday and saturday.. okae digressing already.. *lol* anyways.. haha.. like this e blog got more space and thus, easier to read super long posts, which i predict will be more common.. cause nowadays v little time to blog, and loads of stuff happening.. anyways... shld have noticed if you actually come here consistently... haha.. whoever you are... yea.. so now, no more tagboard, no more links... hoho... sooo... for those right.. go my other portal filled with loads of crappy stuff.. ahhaa... you shdl know where it is right... hmm... dunno ah... *slap you ah... here lah.. been reading my blog. haha. cause now i made it show all the entries on one page. for some reason. haha... no seriously, i don't know why. okae. like. why shld there even be a reason. nvmind. anyways... it's quite interesting you know. realize how much mood swings i've been having... haha... i'm such an emotional guy =) =( =\ = hahahaha... anyways. it's quite nice being so emotionalthingimajiggy. write some nice meaningful stuff when possessed by these feelings. haha... it's good. always feel better after... and it's starting to look good for my studies.. haha... during term one out of 7 chinese compo i only handed in one.. so my chinese teacher gave me zero(GERO! hahaa~!) for everything else... then this term right... the first compo i write... such a nice topic.. "_____ de4 lian2 xiang3". so i write, "dong1 tian1 de4 lian2 xiang3"... just sit there and write my feelings all out.. haha... when write with your heart, it really all just flows out.. and i found i had not enuff time, not even for a hurried ending... so it was very abrupt, i think. didn't even have time to see, teacher just kopped it away from me when time was up. then right... haha... who knew, the next lesson right.. she just came in only right.. suddenly commented(in chinese lah, i can't be bothered to write all the han yu pin yin, and haven't installed chinese software into this com yet... haha... yea, after so long..) "i finished marking all the zhuo wen that you wrote last lesson already.. surprisingly one of yours has been chosen for the competition..(yea, that one was meant for a competition.. and normally higher chinese ppl's zhuo wen is better for competition... right?) you all might be surprised... but it's zhuang kai tong xue's compo has been chosen"(pardon my pathetic translation) haha... yea... see me, so pro right >.< okae head swelling liaoz =P chinese is really very nice actually... just that it seems so hard.. i always dedicated more time, since primary school to the subjects i thot i cld do better in... namely science and english at that time.. cause i just came back from california few years ago, so english stil relatively uncorrupted =P and science is primary school is soo general-knowledge-ish... haha.. super easy compared to sec sch science... tt's why i'm screwing it up completely now. anyways.. east asia is so totally the place to be... we had such a beautiful culture before the western ppl came here... well.. it's inevitable, and they've undoubtedly helped us make us what we are today, both economically and culturally... but there are still untouched places and souls out there... real beautiful stuff. people who think they're stupid, but are actually some of the wisest... ppl who think they are poor and lonely... but are really have the greatest riches the world can afford them... all that is lacking is the wealth of Christ... why should all these greatppl be lost to the rest of us, bound for heaven? it just doesn't seem fair, sometimes... we're ignorant.. corrupted by only ourselves... ppl can't turn to the Lord, cause they're so blinded... cause of the real world, they refuse to belive in anything anymore.. except themselves.. why must these ppl be doomed to eternity in hell.. i've just got to do what i can to change this... ppl around us, everywhere, just don't understand how many ppl love them. you may not know, you may not even know we exist, but crud, we love you soo much. society seems so hard and unfeeling, but tt's just society as a whole as we know it. there are individuals around you who you may not even know, who care about you. never say life is empty, life is meaningless. you just don't know the meaning. pls.. just open up and let ppl come to you. it's not so easy for us you know.. i'm afraid to intrude.. i'm afraid of coming so suddenly, when in the past i may have appeared so indifferent.. okae. i have to stop here. hahaa... so stupid. i wanted to place all these stuff in another portal jsut for my rants on general nothingnessness.. so here's the link... more of these wonderful crap, as you've seen in my extremly long preview *lol* The portal is still empty tho.. shall fill it up after lunch. crud... how am i supposed to finish my assignments and chinese and bio proect with so much other stuff i have to do... okae... suddenly realized that cause of all my >.< tt i type normally instead of in HTML code, huge chunks of my posts are disappearing... bleh... stupid blogspot, dunno how to convert code yourself. anyways. i forgot what i had said in between here ^ and there v. so heck care >.< =P okae.. basically.. i think i've found where i want to go. briefly... i've found my path. thank you Lord, i'll work towards this path now. help me help others find their paths... cause it's so painful seeing the people i love suffer in such difficult times... with turmoil in their hearts and minds... i've been freed from my own doubts and troubles, Lord, only cause you led me through. help me help others Lord. please. off to me portal ~! time to post all over the net after being away for so long. yep.. really love ya all. there are ppl i don't even know.. seriously... but i just can't help feeling for them. i think i'm imagining things. but somehow.. a little bit of you just leaks out of your face, you know? for some reason... i see you walking on the street... just once, or ever so often, even every day... and i feel for you. i care. love. i've been talking to birds lately. i must be going mad. well, not talking per sae.. but somehow they make me feel something. not just any of them either. the mynahs. haha... i'm starting to imagine things... shan't go into it and make a fool of myself... but i'll just let my feelings guide me, eh? seems they're all i can trust, and the Lord's word, nowadays. my senses fail me... kaekae. post was supposed to end two, no three paragraphs ago. off i go~ 10:58 am Wednesday, April 13, 2005
return to the scene. •
i think i shall do a super long blog today. cause i've been doing so much crap over the past few days, loads of stuff i wanted to blog about, but never quite got the time... so yea. shall throw it all out of my head and heart tonite =))anyways... basically today just went to choir and had toh... i seriously think i have to quit choir soon... cause they are trying to 'groom' me to be baritone SL... i mean, i'm already one, but once the sec 4s leave i'll be the only one. like. i can't even play piano or anything. i can't teach them how to sing and stuff. bleah. not so formally... yea... finally handed in my social studies article review >,< lol, due since like, end of last term. okae. anyways, teach was quite nice, for what a - she is to other people when she is teaching in class. i guess i don't really make teachers too pissed off, except that i don't hand in hw. a lot. okae... other stuff will go onto my other blog... cause it's much easier to read *lol*. i was reading life on sunday, then there was this blog spotlight thing. haha... just thought, how do people find out about a blog that has someone blogging about stuff that they would want tor ead, then suddenly everyone is there..? blogs are kind of like, personal stuff, i thought? i mean, at least you won't go around advertising like it's some sort of newssite or something right..? it's more of a closer-friends-would-know kind of thing. or i'm mistaken. haha... i could use that kind of experience... blogging stuff like that, GP style for others to read. not here tho... here is just for my personal rants. nor dreamsofsendai... haha.. anyway. off to the other blog to post my full-size rant. see ya there ;) 8:56 pm |