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Sunday, February 27, 2005
b|4r •
haha. okae.haven't blogged a while. not too long a while. maybe shld be a pile of hw here. whee. a week ago it was tissue-box-thick. now.. =/ think abt it. anw. okae. what happened since i last blogged. can't remember. erm kae. anw. this week.. super busy larh. as usual. when is nt busy leh. suuuuper monotonus. haha. kaoz. even track championships was boring. yeesh. when we having events then the rainy season starts. before tt dowan to rain, bush fire everywhere. haha. abt tt. can i talk crap abt stuff in the papers. it seems to draw ppl who don't even know you to ur blog. haha. stupid straits, turning youth into a freak show. ebhh. i knew it before i even read it. hah. came bak wif dinner, saw e paper. 'oh yay another professor-talks-abt-youth-habits article.' ate then read. haha typical. i mean. all these crap, abt gahmen asking youth abt opinions, all for fun. for one thing, it seems like they're listening and changing, for another thing if there's anything they actually like, they can use it, and finally, it amuses those who are not youth! adults can laugh amongst themselves, oldies can mutter and little kids will scratch head and giggle! whee. what fun. heyy. call in youth, youth talk, call in professor, he/she gives analysis on youth behavior. sounds familiar? haha. from those documentaries they've been showing in bio or geog lessons and u've been sleeping thru maybe. haha. wat are we, animals? i ask u. nowadays, they can even train doctors on actual cases:- 'four guys with high pants huddle around an operating table and the guy in the middle with the white gloves goes;"look closely this is a very interesting case of hole in the heart from birth" ' frick u, tt's my little sis. kae. and tt's all for news crap! yay! haha. kae. today.. basically just e same woke up late. shower. slowly rushed to church. guest pastor. mm. sumthing different frmo e usual, tt. wateva. haiz. certain things.. cannot be blogged. written. even told. what to do leh? haha. i guess must tell lah. but nt just anyone.. my left foot is a dumb book... yeeshh. at e beginning i thot it was cool, a guy who cld draw wif his left foot, paint, write, stuff. sheesh. actually, christy brown is jsut a helpless despo nerdishness.hahahah. i'm so mean. kae lah. maybe cause i nv experience it myself, cant put myself into perspective, blah blah. wateva. . . . on a side note.. i'm slacking up my training schedule! waah. ah. okae. i can hear e ". . . ." kaekae. anw. who ask me read so many online comics. haha. but its fun. there are actually some good stories up there, by ppl. some are cool and original.. sum seem so.. familiar. i know. they're my own dreams. 8:39 pm Wednesday, February 23, 2005
.://unfair-genes;; • can someone who is in string ensemble and doesn't train at all be stronger than me?!?!?! freak u johnny. i'm insane. behh.. i like my bags. bwahahaha. i mean bags. u noe. school bag. stuff. heyy. like i said. 10:58 pm Sunday, February 20, 2005
...__hate`sch. •
bleh stupidschhaha yea in tt mood again. frikkin sch wasting time hahahhaa. whee. so happy got me bball bak. hah. was a while ago, but... yea. anw. sch sux. cause u do stuff tt wont help u in real life. except work. which is a big part of real life. but still isn't really. realll life.. haha.wats life for anyway. to make e most of it. to make lots of friends. to give ppl good memeries of you. even if they only saw you for a moment and have no idea who the crap you are. but most importantly. to prepare for what's after this life. i guess. i shld really. get started. oh i have. just tt. there's more. get started. on other i need to do. to prepare. for. after this. haha. wow. haven't blogged. such a long entry. in a long. time. anw.. might as well continue. today. went to church. e gals kept. giggling. thru service. loll. wt. then. went to daiso. IMM. lol. wanted to buy
erm. and wat else. haha. anw. only found e sketchbook. tt marker i bought last time.. behh. no more. cant find it. it was so nice. now i'm out of ink. black highlighter is really usefull. for highlighting stuff tt u don't want to study for tests next time. haha. and its really cool for sketching. dun lyke to sketch wif pencil. then came home. and stare at enormous pile of hw. then throw out stuff tt's not due tmr. haaha. delay delay~~ anw. still got chinese letter to write. and chem filing to do. hmm. and math performance task. which i need 2 other grp members to do?!?!? beh. throw away performance task. tmr recess. find some way to do. letter wait for danne to come home ask her. bwahaha. its suppoer to be like. a letter to ur deceased lover. who got knocked down by a car while walkign across e street to help u post a letter. right in front of u. and the letter was to ur parents to tell them tt u were going to ask her to be ur wife. = .... ladeeda. yep. so i shall get started after wasting time trying to figure out new ways to train without any weights to speak of and drawing crap. haha. july 2005 aim : 8 chinups. ahahahaha can anot. behh. must try. kae. time to stop crapping and go. otherwise sleep super late again. behh. danne always come home so late. and so late then login to yahoo msger. faster lah youuu~ 8:12 pm Friday, February 18, 2005
*tumble and score!! •
ahahaha... floorball rawks. =)anw. today after chinese test then plae floorball liaoz. so nt so stressed. but e truth is. i skipped zhao ju while doing. wanted to come back and do later. then ended up. no time. >.< there goes 15/80 marks ahah. shall allow myself to be in super hyper enthu poser mode for a while. lets see who will kick me back out to reality this time. but for now;; see the ball raise ur stick lunge swing whack! whee tumble roll laugh ur head off get up in time to see u just scored!!! 10:35 pm Wednesday, February 16, 2005
blankedout* •
feel soo dead today.kae. turns out triple jump's tmr. hope i dun screw it up. like i did long jump. choir. new sec ones. blehz. everyday is becoming. more of a watchamacallit. thing tt repeats over and over. gotta find something to do. but first settle tests. i think canupls~ stop posing around me nt funny. i'm only a guy 11:50 pm lala. •
some girlsare just so insensitive. behz. triple jump and long jump tmr. oh. today. 2am. kae. train and train. stupidsuperbuffguys plae bball wif me 2:01 am Monday, February 14, 2005
ooooops. ahah. •
okae. i thot today was vals day liao. erm. yesterday. now it is.sho. happy vals day. okae. i gotta stop staying up so late. like. nvmind. where's my bball. i wan to smack him. dun stand there and look at me liddat pls. u got a guy u didn't want me sho. don't. 1:49 am Sunday, February 13, 2005
people everywhere. •
ahahah. im doing delirious.why do i see ppl everywhere was up like till 3.30am yesterday. today. its nt normal church is wierd now. with little. nice bits. but still wierd. trying to understand these ppl. i dont wanna have to run away. but i will anyway i guess. maybe. i dunno. whats love at first sight went to bt plaza. got me a couple new A6 sketchbooks. when i see the world wif those eyes saw a little gal musta been p3-4. ahaha. funny. looked totally diff from bigger bro and sis. they were like ugh nerd and she was like ahahaha. little gals nowadays. okae i'm crazy. happy. val's. day. 10:27 pm say the most important thing •
wells.they've all left. not that whoever came meant much. beh.. just being mean. and stupid. happy birthday val. why do i wait till the last moment to say what matters most to say what will make the difference to say how i feel to say i love u one day perhaps it will be to late and the angels will hear my cries the world will feel my tears from me from jesus' side 12:00 am Saturday, February 12, 2005
why do i wait... •
bamm.everybody's here. e whole cell group. only not. darren. e little kids. e adults whom i don't even know. what about. the others..? what am i saying. okae. basically. nothing done today. went out. walked around cck. didn't even go anywhere. felt wierd. came back for lunch. made instant mee. ahaha. reminds me of obs. ok. beh. little kids running everywhere. in my stuff. any other time.. why am i pissed now. i've been like, wasting time around. drew some stuff. thanks to inspiration from dan last time. lol. but it was really. dull. hanging aroud e house. i guess i'm not used to e small space even now. i like it.. but sumtimes need space to jump and throw and stretch. my previous house wasn't all that big anyway... browsed through me hw. got some project.. english stuff. is it due tmr? i dun dare ask anyone. wtf. tt's just being stupid. behh. i'm gonna. stay up real late tonite. tmr is..sunday e 13th. valentine's eve. whoppee. later. tonite. 9:40 pm Friday, February 11, 2005
okae.... erks. •
ays.. today is hopeless. gone. can't do nth. it's like already 3.30. and i've done nth. except doing nothing at home. behhh.i wanna.. sing. in like. a band. but. nobody will. wt-. i mean. this kinda thing. u gotta start urself mah. even one person? anyone? just two ppl can start a lot of stuff. come on man.. sbbc peeps? 6k? erks... wateva. i'm just supremely bored and feeling like a total loser now. yea. e old stuff. cant do nth useful blah blah. just anyone....pls. sing wif me. we'll go places 3:23 pm Thursday, February 10, 2005
like, whatever. •
yea. um. yesterday went to Rose and David's place =) peeps from me old church. shaun and oops-forgot-his-name(beh) were like, playing ps. wif song ming. ok. i suck at remembering names. beh. like in choir. i don't know half of e sec twos' names. or more.
anw. got them off it and went to play bball. phew. i haven't played for only eternity. ball's still gone. gonna have to get it back soon. or borrow. or if i'm feeling rich, buy one. haha. yea. otherwise, nth much. i haven't deproved or anything =) in shooting anw. but my handling sux now. i can't cross the ball for nuts anymore =( 1:13 pm Wednesday, February 09, 2005
cny •
cny.. v sian still, cause cannot go anywhere or anything.
at least there's friday. today went back to bpps after sch, messed around. now e bunch of us who turn up for meetings is like quite obvious liao, and oso who stays, and who wanders off sometimes then rejoins =) anw. went bowling. i did like, 101. lol. ok. oso saw dan, but like, we didn't say a thing. only via sms. lol. she seriously looks v little girl in sc uniform. haya. sec ones lah. ok. i just relised sumthing. abt me. kae lah, nt exactly just. but shld have known ages ago. and shut up. johnny said it perfectly man. "fried always talk a lot of cock." i haf to say, yea. always talking crap. why leh. just trying to act smart har. is called seeking acceptance brudder. but tt don't make it right. besides, i keep gettig jacked cause if u know stuff, it becomes obvious when i'm talking crap =P anw. i shld just shut up more. actions and e eyes can say so much more than words. i eye-speaker. =) the eyes are so much more than e windows to e soul man. use them more than ur mouth. eyes tt speak. yea. i think tt's enuff toking for today. gotta get some sleep. tmr go and "happy chinese new year, ang pow come here" already. gd nite everyone. inc those already sleeping by now. i stopped telling ppl i care recently. i stopped saying gd nite. why?? 1:32 am |