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Monday, January 31, 2005
behh. now i'm pissed. •
behh. now i'm pissed. nuthin outta hell is gonna make me join choir in RJC. not as a main CCA anyway. 2nd cca wait i consider.
time to train liaoz. wanna go sailing. 9:00 pm Sunday, January 30, 2005
crushed for nth~ •
beh.. e weekend is gone so fast.. no seriously, saturday like, didn't exist, then now sunday's gone. i'll be glad to have my saturdays back after the choir concert... i haven't done my wondering aimlessly around singapore routine. maybe the next time i can find sumone to drag along =P more fun.. but just one or two..
hahaha... read reader's digest, boys oso have PMS okae... just not called PMS, is sumthing else, forgot whats e acronym liaoz. mood swing thingy. like i didnt know, peeps are like.. are u ok? herms. why does it seem like only me leh. everyone is like.. so dead. e guys. wah liaoz. dunno what/how to say lah. wee.. depression time liaoz loh. haha.. watch teen titans just now.. terra is slade's apprentice, then get all e info on titans to gif him.. if u got watch, beastboy like got dis crush on her lah, so its like dam sad.. thinking crappy stuff again lah. remembering stuff. imagining stuff. like the trip in korea. like celeste and sok ying and peiyi & e others. like back in California. esp e 6K years.. do i really look like i got gf..? haya.. dun haf lah okae.. got ppl will kan shang wo loh.. v sure.. ahhah.... im totally.. hopeless. at... stuff. yea. wateva. after concert i gotta go find myself again. really wish someone will come wif me.. anyone lah.. anyone who actually cares. everyone cares so much about themselves.. then when i try to begin to, it seems so wrong, so evil to, then i go back to trying to help others wif stuff. worrying abt stuff tt has like, nth to do wif me, if i didn't want it to. maybe i bottle up for too long bah. before toh came to speak wif me was stupid. so i guess i have to thank him. but he didn't help me directly. tt time i was just brooding and like completely screwed. nth helped. then he came and tried to butt into my life. screw off, i says. i can be happy if i want to. so wee, back to e sec 1 version of me, its like, yay! choir! blah blah along wif all e other peeps, super enthu singing. yea well. now cooled down liaoz. there's song like, pok pok, u gotta laugh as part of e performance. how. i'll so screwed, there's nth to be really happy about. i can't laugh. not really. and i can't pretend to laugh. its just not right. then when i smile or laugh, tt stupid toh thinks i'm laughing at what he says or sumthing, suan me, say why i laugh, its not funny blah blah. i'm trying to be happy here u ass. its bad enuff without u. i'm aleady trying not to let u upset me or anyone further. beh.. do i got a gf..? nah.. wld tt be a good thing? wld just a normal friend be good? why do i feel so out of place everywhere.. do i make my self? why do i? what da heck is wrong wif me?? 10:04 pm Tuesday, January 25, 2005
updatee` •
been a while since i blogged... sianz.. past few days hardly slept at all. gotta get used to doing hw again. =P
anw.. nth much happens around here.. i resent tt >.< just found out tt i'm assigned to do some singing project.. cause i didn't sign up on asknlearn, then geoffrey chan come and find me then found out i'm in choir. -.- pe module is.. hockey! lol. a sport i seriously know nth about. wee. yupp. Toh is driving us crazy, and himself as well in the process, i think. blah blah concert, blah blah standard. blah blah raffles. wt. if u can say it's our choir, then let us make da calls? conduct, teach. sheesh. u think ri got to be such a student democracy wif teachers forcing students to whatever they want?? anw going to germany. cant remember the name of e place. sum ulu pandan lah. budden going amsterdam =D amsterdam rawks. real beautiful place. as far as i remember it. anw, going in july, after june hols, so extended hols loh. yupp. changed blogskin again. aha... gonna have to start making again.. cause all e nice ones at blogskins all is like, everybody oso use one. must be more original mah. when i got time make one from johnny's logo he came up wif 4 me. lol. [azk]FRiED! haya, liddat type not nice, must draw out real one.. hahaha till i get enuff sleep to use the com properly again, 8:05 pm Friday, January 14, 2005
behness. dreams crushed •
yap said - no. sec 3 express, sec 4 express, sec 4 special, and sec 4 GEP. one of each in a project group, no way to match. wtf lah. i was sooo looking forward to it. AF3 destroyed by a teacher's no. beh. plus faii didn't show up when we went to get her answer. so dun think we'll be going down to bob or anything anymore. i better find another group man. real soon. anw, even wif the five day week, i still got choir tmr. stupid RVEnsemble. even stupid name. why don't ppl like pop nowadays. maybe only our year, huh. sex 4s this year into contemporary, like elton john etc. lol. i can't even give any other names. i dunno bout it one. chinese pop for me. wee. wif sch.. the week goes by real slow. this week anw. sunday's coming. lol. why do i.. nv mind. gotta go re-learn some scores in bass part, as well as a couple of completely new songs. chow. 11:43 pm Thursday, January 13, 2005
3rd beginning •
well. found the chinese classroom after wandering around for like 20 min wif jie yang and gang. on the first lesson. chinese teacher is cai, as in vege, as in cai jie yang, cai xing ying da cai =D she's not bad lah. just a bt dunno how to control class. but quite nice. glad i took normal chinese now. =)
RE project still nto settled gonna talk to mrs. yap tmr. then faii says we'll go and see bob! wee! lol. or we could just see dep. headmaster mac. i thot of a name for our group too.. lol so cool and hip =D AF3! Arthur, Faii, Fat Cat and Fried! cool rite? lol rite now is beginning of year, loads of changes esp. this year, frmo sec 2 to sec 3. so its da hated syndrome all over: so many things to do tt dunno what to do, so do nth. becoming v naughty liaoz, skipped half of choir and use toking to yap as excuse :P well we did, but for 5 min only haha... yupp wanna do even mroe things than on the previous list. learn jap, learn guitar, develop my baritone and increase my sniging range higher, learn chiense properly, esp. to speak, do the Research Edu properly, learn snowboarding, get super good studies, get a position in choir and CyberStudios next year, etc etc. blah blah blah. until next time. 11:42 pm Monday, January 10, 2005
thoughts •
today did a lot of thinking =D
thinking about sundays. their so... normal. every sunday. go to church. sunday sch. service. fin. wt-. sumting is wrong. wif me. shall find out. some time. soon. i hope. tinking about school rules. like ankle socks and attire. how lame are these stuff. paul lim is an ok guy, but it's like tok tok tok do nth. yee haw. tinking about what a pathetic blog i have =D nobody one... or is nobody tag? or nobody know how to tag? or everyody got nth to say to me? or dowan to tok to me? waah.. i so pathetic. tinking, wah kao, now take normal chinese, must take one extra year hor. but nv mind lah, so long my GPA not pulled down by 0.7 by higher chinese anymore. budden where am i supposed to go for normal chinese class??? praying tt the sec 4 GEP HOD will let me do RE project wif faii and arthur... hehe then just do singing. i like singing. i rock at singing =D yea. thk u Lord. after all da crap and everything i really love where u put me. thx bunches!! 11:17 pm Saturday, January 08, 2005
back from obs •
well. back from OBS today. shan't spoil anyone's fun by telling everything that happened, but just certain stuff that i remember especially.
the most memoriable thing for me was the HDB; the perfect campsite at the north coast near the quarry. sat and ate bread and half cooked instant noodles with johnathan, kiat wee, sam chong and others, talked crap for hours, with johor across the channel and the causeway to our right just at the horizon. super. um. nth much to say otherwise. back to sch tmr, can wear long pants already =D yea. no lessons, but they start on tuesday. so fast. beh. ahha.. i got very bad habit. every time dowan to find out how to contact people, wait until later then keep trying to find them then it's hopeless already. peeps like dan shld know a bit lah. ahem. anyway duneed to say got another person. heh. shld haf asked for our obs instructor's email or something lah, but i'm just simply a complete idiot. the point is, this time it's kinda different. hm. get the feeling that we'll meet again. hm hm. hm hm hm. yea. anw. nth. anw.. obs totally rawked. let's go for the 21 day course ppl! lol 11:51 pm Sunday, January 02, 2005
sian diao •
wells. back to sch tmr. OBS starts on 4th jan for me.
hmz. sian diao.. ppl who wanna destroy their hw... i join ur ranks. supposed to read 2 chinese books and do book review. i don't even know what one of the books is. bleh. looks like even with new chinese teacher i gonna have problem cause 1st day nv hand in hw liaoz. beh. whatever. off to church. 9:38 am |