Wednesday, July 04, 2007
not questions again.. •
 A lot of times there are just numerous questions floating around inside your head with regard to individuals and what they're thinking/feeling, a lot of questions, hasty confidences somewhere at the side, harmless wondering once in a while. Sometimes i just wonder, what's to be done like this? nothing really wrong about it. but just feels uncomfortable somehow, like ahh what is..? ah it's probably none of my business. i mean what the heck, it's definitely got nothing to do with me. then one feels like some nerd and so goes off to vent somewhere in certain physical manner.
honestly, that's how i feel about this whole matter. in a way that i can't decide is rational or not, i don't understand why i bother. and trust me, it sucks to be saying this, cause i really don't like it when people do. cause i'd say, because it's worth it; why else would you otherwise..? i just want to stop having to regret not knowing people deep down. but people make mistakes. when do you find out whether you have or not? you know when. i know when. but it's called too late for a reason.
11:39 pm